Just to share some personal experience with weight lose or maintaining. First of all I think there are some misconception abt carbs…. Carbs are good, but you must choose the right one. Carbs of high resistance starch are good. If you are an active person, not taking right amount of carbs are doing more harm than good. Carbs restore muscle glycogen after workout, otherwise deficiency of carbs you are actually breaking down muscle. Our body needs protein and carbs to repair and build muscle. In fact carbs helps in losing weight…. Heres how.
- Carbs is the big source of energy, needless to explain you need energy to be active and burn those calories. Exercise is all about being form, meaning doing each exercise correctly. Dragging your feet through the motion won’t help and its not about how long you can workout each session. Its more important to keeping the intensity high and heartbeat rate going, more calories are burnt that way
- Carbs makes you feel full and curbs your hunger with less intake
- Good carbs diet actually helps to maintain blood sugar level better than low-carb diet
- So with the right carbs you eat less, feel more energized during workout and burn more calories and lower cholesterol.
- Some good source of carbs are brown rice, bake potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, etc
I don’t specifically keep to a diet or shy away from fatty food (our body need some fats too), there are some things that I do beside working out to keep my weight under control
- Take a lot of fibers from greens, they help fill you up and breaks down the fats into smaller bits for burning off
- Have sufficient calcium, read from a report that having calcium in fat cell helps burns it down faster. One glass of milk for me before bed and first thing in the morning.
- Don’t take cold drinks with meals, was told cold drinks disrupt the digestion and clot up fats.
- Drinks lots of water helps the kidney process the impurities.
- A cup of green tea. Green tea is a good source of natural antioxidant and helps to lose weight.
- Sugar is the culprit for weight gain... avoid artificial sweet stuffs like cakes, candies, etc.
- Don’t be obsessed with the scale, starving the body not only slows down the metabolism but also make the body stores fat (for energy source). Sometimes when your weight don’t drop only because you are putting on muscle and burning fat. I prefer to monitor the blood pressure, heart beat rate and overall energy level (by feel), afterall working out should be fun and feel good. Not a big fan of BMI….
- Have a good mix of cardio and strength workouts. When I’m at the gym I keep switching exercises, never stick to the same routine and keep the body guessing. Helps break fitness plateau.
I’m not a nutritionist or fitness instructor, just sharing my personal routine and opinion. Cheer!
- Carbs is the big source of energy, needless to explain you need energy to be active and burn those calories. Exercise is all about being form, meaning doing each exercise correctly. Dragging your feet through the motion won’t help and its not about how long you can workout each session. Its more important to keeping the intensity high and heartbeat rate going, more calories are burnt that way
- Carbs makes you feel full and curbs your hunger with less intake
- Good carbs diet actually helps to maintain blood sugar level better than low-carb diet
- So with the right carbs you eat less, feel more energized during workout and burn more calories and lower cholesterol.
- Some good source of carbs are brown rice, bake potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, etc
I don’t specifically keep to a diet or shy away from fatty food (our body need some fats too), there are some things that I do beside working out to keep my weight under control
- Take a lot of fibers from greens, they help fill you up and breaks down the fats into smaller bits for burning off
- Have sufficient calcium, read from a report that having calcium in fat cell helps burns it down faster. One glass of milk for me before bed and first thing in the morning.
- Don’t take cold drinks with meals, was told cold drinks disrupt the digestion and clot up fats.
- Drinks lots of water helps the kidney process the impurities.
- A cup of green tea. Green tea is a good source of natural antioxidant and helps to lose weight.
- Sugar is the culprit for weight gain... avoid artificial sweet stuffs like cakes, candies, etc.
- Don’t be obsessed with the scale, starving the body not only slows down the metabolism but also make the body stores fat (for energy source). Sometimes when your weight don’t drop only because you are putting on muscle and burning fat. I prefer to monitor the blood pressure, heart beat rate and overall energy level (by feel), afterall working out should be fun and feel good. Not a big fan of BMI….
- Have a good mix of cardio and strength workouts. When I’m at the gym I keep switching exercises, never stick to the same routine and keep the body guessing. Helps break fitness plateau.
I’m not a nutritionist or fitness instructor, just sharing my personal routine and opinion. Cheer!