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Return of the Condor Hero..erm I mean Cannon Hero=p

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  • #16
    Congrats! Enjoy this hobby! Most of the people I know started this hobby fast and furious myself included. When first started... the buying and hunting never stops!
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    • #17
      Originally posted by Tua Pao Xian(CannonDeity) View Post
      Nah...dun say not yet own one is not becoz u cannot afford but its becoz you have not yet decide which one to buy=p
      Alamak ... senior pi cha me ... pi cha Xian ... *laughs


      • #18
        Originally posted by Tua Pao Xian(CannonDeity) View Post
        At first I was actually thinking of getting this GMT master or the Daytona since it is about the same price, the AD offer me quite a gd price for the i was holding two watches to compare and although i gotta say Daytona is a nice looking watch..I decided to get the GMT Master...maybe the Shiny Ceramic Bezel and the Maxi Dial attracted me to the watch...

        Oh ya one bro mention that the watch was not fantabulous enough...gotta agree with him since it got no diamond etc...but for me when i get a watch...the first person whom I gotta impress is myself, then follow by I believe that you have to be happy to own something and not just simply own it to impress other...Spend money is to get happiness mah..LoLz

        with a Budget of 15k like myself, some of my friend got a two tone Daytona with diamond markers, another lagi more tua pao and decided to get a Full Gold Rolex Yacht Master..LoLz...of course both of them got it they feel that it is more worth and can stretch their budget to the max, being that my GMT is nowhere more bling than their Daytona nor Gold Yacht Master...

        In fact I was also quite tempted to follow suit with them...but after consideration...I ask I really have to go to that extent to impress ppl? Nah...dun need to..i just gotta impress myself yup...decided on the GMT Master two tone..

        As to Daytona...its a nice watch...maybe I shall get it some other times...

        Buying watch is not something urgent for me i rather not get it pre-owned...shud I cannot afford it..i would still prefer to save until I got enough then from there buy a new one..but of course..this is just my two cent worth=)

        Anw..wun be getting any new pieces...within this 2 month got 5 watches already and with my Tag..tat makes it a total of i guess i have had enough to wear already..LoLz...esp so when I am not a Sotong....with many hands....hahaha
        Make it 7 so everyday can change watch ....

        *evilz ....


        • #19
          Full Gold Rolex Yacht Master is very posionous ... seen it ... then my friend force his watch on my wrist and i nearly fainted!!


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