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At last Ive got my AP before I hit 30 !

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  • #31
    Originally posted by KuchingKu View Post
    OT...You very good liao.
    At 30, I dont have wife, son (now still dont have, ha) and flat. Only got a car, motorbike and enough money to go drinking on weekends.
    You no wife at 30, is a good!!! You have lots of GFs rite ?


    • #32
      always look on the bright side . Why always have fried rice, when you can have a variety of makan outside (this is so gonna create controversy!! )
      [U]Currently wearing[/U]:
      [SIZE="1"]TT Datejust with diamond dial - sold!
      Blue 6694
      Seiko SD-lookalike[/SIZE]
      [U]"My collection"[/U]:
      [SIZE="1"]Blue 6694; TT DJ w diamond dial.[/SIZE]


      • #33
        Sorry for OT.

        My life before 30 and after 30 very different.....esp before and after married. My uncle taught me.....some things you cannot do after you get married, better do it before you get married.

        Like drinking till 3 am and sleep in the car till morning. haha

        Think no GFs that time cos too troublesome....


        • #34
          Age is just number, it all how your see. Some people are hitting 90s and still meddling with how things are run. Someone must knock them out of their senses. to get them to wake up.

          I believe many earn their 1st mil even before hitting 30s (no gene connection type). Why i think so, my bloody neighbour is already one of them (right place at the right time) and consider that he is still living with his parent in their 4-room HDB flat and drive a humble 2L Civic(must psycho him to sell me his car at rock bottom price when he change new car).

          Whether married or single, nobody is saint... If not, we would not be here TC.


          • #35
            Congrats ! hug the panda in good health


            • #36
              Nice watch... wear it in good health... BTW, you are driving a GTR?


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