Think u guys must have thought that i got this from a US / Ebay seller right? Nope. I've been hunting high and low for this one for a long time. A friend helped me get this last piece from a US AD and they have 1 more Pepsi left. Unfortunately, in the process of sourcing, he was poisoned as well... i dont suppose u need to bother about the last Pepsi as well.
Yep, if u dont factor in the shipping, insurance and the !@#$@!! 7% GST.
Hi Bro, care to share how to arrange the shipment? actually, i saw at least 2 sellers (3weeks ago) selling Pepsi and Coke with 3186 cal at listed price (US$5.8K-US$6K). I did not pull the trigger becos of tansaction risk and shippment arrangment, insurance, etc etc. btw, do u still need to pay GST??