Here some pics taken together with my 2 frds. We gather our precious and form a little Professional ROLEXIS United Nation.
Pls enjoy the viewing & hope u like them.
But something is still missing ?????
Wow bro! Really nicely taken photos and collection!
Yup ! Bingo ! Yachtmaster it is the missing piece.
Anyone dare to t-loan ? Ha ha........
Thks for all the appreciation, glad that everyone like the pics.
So back to pop quiz ! Anyone care/dare to T-loan a Yachtmaster for the nxt photos project ?
Yachtmaster II wld be super awesome ha ha.........then i can do the run away chicken !
New ROLEXYon the Blog
1) Yach-Master (16622)
2) Explorer II - Black/White (216570)
3) Submariner TTc (116613LB)
The ITCH is getting worse & incurable
I let go my beloved U-Series Sub (16610) for the newcomers.