swee la the pics.nice single red 6694.haha make even better with superb condition bracelet.
Thanks for your kind comments bro...ur 6694 oso beri solid!!!!hehehehe....i am lucky to have you to accompany me to hunt for the nice bracelet...hehehehe.....happy man tonite....me hunt for quite long liao for the swee swee thick bracelet.....
OC is a happy lady liao...hehehehe....somemore the towkay adjust the bracelet swee swee for her...hehehehe
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak
Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen
Thanks for your kind comments bro...ur 6694 oso beri solid!!!!hehehehe....i am lucky to have you to accompany me to hunt for the nice bracelet...hehehehe.....happy man tonite....me hunt for quite long liao for the swee swee thick bracelet.....
OC is a happy lady liao...hehehehe....somemore the towkay adjust the bracelet swee swee for her...hehehehe
it's my pleasure bro,anytime wanna look for anything just ask me along.i love to be kaypoh.can see that she quite enjoy the bracelet.my turn now to look for sliver hands for 6694 liao.
it's my pleasure bro,anytime wanna look for anything just ask me along.i love to be kaypoh.can see that she quite enjoy the bracelet.my turn now to look for sliver hands for 6694 liao.
Hehehehe..sure lar...as long u free can liao....kopi and tcss are fun too..lol.....now pls mount the dial and wear the smallie out lar....lol....dun neglect the smallie and wear your biggie out all the time eh...hehehehehe
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak
Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen
hehehehehe.....u know where to source for bracelet mah...lol....and best part...u know where i gotten mine from...lol.....hands itchy so buy lor....anyway the 6694 single red is currently on my OC wrist....so far zero wrist time for me leh...hahahahaha
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak
Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen