Oh you bad bad man. I had barely picked up my 312 recently and you have just convinced me to ditch it for the 351. #*@+!!!
Nice pickup btw
We are in the same boat bro! I picked up the 312 last month, worn it for a few times only, found her a new home and welcome my new love. This is so polygamy.. heehee
Wah bro, U hor, make me itch again hahaha sibeh jialat......now cannot...must concentrate on my biz first, need to get more biz before getting another watch hahaha.
Wah bro, U hor, make me itch again hahaha sibeh jialat......now cannot...must concentrate on my biz first, need to get more biz before getting another watch hahaha.
Pams motivate me to earn more money, strive harder, get myself outta my comfort zone. Its amazing!!!
Pams motivate me to earn more money, strive harder, get myself outta my comfort zone. Its amazing!!!
True man, recently have been looking for more sales, just got a new customer and order this week, hope a few more deals go thru and I can get the 233! haha!