me just got this lovely 6694 with blue dial. really love the manual winding as i don't think rolex be coming out with this kind of winding any more so it's a piece of beauty to own.
me just got this lovely 6694 with blue dial. really love the manual winding as i don't think rolex be coming out with this kind of winding any more so it's a piece of beauty to own.
I wonder if u can show us some pics. Btw, is urs wif leather/metal strap? How much did u pay n whre u bought? Tk u.
Hi Guys, been reading this thread and learned lots. thanks for all your generous comments. Realised that I actually owned a 6694 - black dial with gold. Paid S$250- 2nd hand from a horse punter 32 years ago. Took it our yesterday. Memories came back. I actually polished all the stell parts. Oyster and bracelet. Will this affect the value.
Wah how old are you bro!
My grandpa bought a 1601-4 more than 30 yrs back...hmm at least now I know roughly how much he paid.
Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)
Here is just one of my many samples to my collections. I am willing to share knowledge with you. My collections range of Rolexes, Tudors, Omegas and many others start from the era of 1900s Rolex Pocket Watch to 1965s AirKing.
The last submariner and IWC that I sold with many regrets....I never find another piece. So Vintage Rolex Watch Collectors if you are holding any in your collections. They are rare and highly sort after around the world.
This is a 1930s Vintage Tudor gents watch, it is an unusual shape in pink rolled gold. The dial is stamped with Tudor under numeral 12 and Rolex Watch Co at six, slightly above the second hand. It is still in working condition and keeping the time well +- 2 minutes, subject to weather condition. I can say I have the only piece in Singapore. The numerals are typical of the 1930s era.
I have many other Rolexes and I will show you eventually when I get the time to take some pics. I collect them as they are.