Here is another heirloom which will be passed on to my little darling daugther when she turns 21 ...
A Fine and Rare Rolex Oyster Royal in 1st series bubbleback case
circa 1938
For your eyes only
Hi All, I have just one enquiry on watches which sampan has shown, is there anyone who is able to service it well and make it running in good condition, given the age of the watches, i am assuming that if most watch makers and techs are trained for this in some academy or something, it would encompass the older watches?
Also, due to its age and technology, does it mean it is quite basic to service, i would presume they did not have as much watch technology as of todays watches....pardon my ignorance on this.....TIA
Hi All, I have just one enquiry on watches which sampan has shown, is there anyone who is able to service it well and make it running in good condition, given the age of the watches, i am assuming that if most watch makers and techs are trained for this in some academy or something, it would encompass the older watches?
Also, due to its age and technology, does it mean it is quite basic to service, i would presume they did not have as much watch technology as of todays watches....pardon my ignorance on this.....TIA
Cheers....'s possible to service it...skills I would say there are people who hav...BUT it's the parts which is the crucial part
Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)
HI all think i once post but couldn't find it any more. Anyone knows what model is produce in 1981 and is there any one selling off that model or see that model selling?