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Official Submariner and Seadweller thread!

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  • ohlins
    haha where got so easy to get a AD status.......

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  • louisoh
    wah pro.... 2 million ?... lol.. dun haf leh.. but i think some members here sld haf..... shhhhhhhhhhh

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  • marineguy8888
    Online shop IMHO will not work lar .

    People wanna buy expensive watch they will not go to a shop with no nice and grand shop front . It will be difficult to close deal as ppl will think this shop might be a fly by night one and might be getting replica watches at real watch prices . So if really wanna do muz be grand and nice . I think minimum 2 million capital . 100K overhead and renovations + stocks + deposit .

    And if i remember correctly to get AD status for certain brands need to place a substaincial amount of deposit with the different brands to be allowed to carry AD status and if a replica was found to be sold from your shop the deposit will be forfeited . Anyone with more accurate info pls feel free to chip in .

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  • louisoh
    can online shop ?...

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  • Darkangel
    Or..we all pool in money and invest. Set up a shop and apply for ADealership.

    Hehehe...but capital si beh high la

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  • louisoh
    haha.. bogus shop ma... waiting for ohlins comments... lol...

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  • exarkun
    Like that ohlins a few months later close shop . 'Distributor' prices no profit cannot cover operational cost leh. I just need him to sell me a daytona at MSRP good enough. Maybe 20-30% discount on popular model also great.

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  • louisoh
    yah..ADs sell according to guidelines ba... or ask ohlins to setup a shop and be AD lor... then we call can get rolex at 'distributor' prices... hahaa

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  • ohlins
    not every model make big profit ma.....

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  • andr3w
    Originally posted by marineguy8888 View Post
    We need to feel feel see see touch touch den buy one mah .
    ya wat. if nt dun feel dun touch juz c can buy liao meh? must tekan the salesman mah, make so much profit mark up so high

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  • marineguy8888
    We need to feel feel see see touch touch den buy one mah .

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  • Darkangel
    Wah all the poor salesman...kena abused by you ppl..heheh

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  • andr3w
    Originally posted by marineguy8888 View Post
    Can add me into the list ? 16610 z series

    For me i will call the AD salesperson and tell him in advance the models i want to see and prices they can give and they will arrange for me even if they don't have stock .

    Because some time when the mood comes to see watches and pop in , they may not have the models i wanna see .

    Good relations with the salesman is important as you can get to see the special models . But dun abuse the salesman lar . Ask to see 20 models but never buy any .
    tats wat i will do, test his patience mah. lol

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  • marineguy8888
    Can add me into the list ? 16610 z series

    For me i will call the AD salesperson and tell him in advance the models i want to see and prices they can give and they will arrange for me even if they don't have stock .

    Because some time when the mood comes to see watches and pop in , they may not have the models i wanna see .

    Good relations with the salesman is important as you can get to see the special models . But dun abuse the salesman lar . Ask to see 20 models but never buy any .

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  • Darkangel
    u all different mah..i xiao di di...ppl thought i go there ask ask for fun 1..hahaha

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