Then grey dealer shd not say their stock is also brand new, cos rolex nv produce or authorise for grey dealer to sell their stock as brand new too, the stock are mean for AD only... It is the same as those company that do pvd can buy brand new stock then modified it...
Then grey dealer shd not say their stock is also brand new, cos rolex nv produce or authorise for grey dealer to sell their stock as brand new too, the stock are mean for AD only... It is the same as those company that do pvd can buy brand new stock then modified it...
Brand new from 'third party' , not brand new from Rolex .
IMHO, Modified = lose value. Unless you are very sure to keep it with you forever, or bite the heavy bullet of depreciation. = selling it off dirt cheap.
I personally have two Rolexes which are one in the world as they are personalized.
These watches belong to me and i have no intention of selling.
They are significant and will always remain so.
Therefore i prefer them to only be identified with me.
People who see them on my wrist usually raise their eyebrows or sometimes drop their jaws.
Whatever it is, a good conversation always follows.
Are they still original Rolexes?
Of course, every single part of them is.
Just with some additional individualized work done to set them apart from the rest.