buy the explorer 2 first lah, cheaper also
save up and get the dssd later
if later like dssd, sell the explorer 2 lor
btw, dun think you will stop at 1 lolex !
too poisonous.......
Love & had both watches but DSSD's just so clumsy, chunky & uncomfortable to me.
It just does not sit well being too thick but not wide enough.
I had such a bad habit that I would take the dssd off my hand whenever I have a chance.
Luckily the waiteress noticed & informed me when I was about to leave.
Since then I had to wear the explorer.
Explorer 2 is so different. It sits well & conform to the wrist features.
I love the DSSD but it is just not a daily beater for me.
Btw I'm a big guy.
Just me 2 cents worth.