I m newbie here. Need some advise here from the experts. I saw a preowned 116234 DJ M series, WG bezel, dark MOP with diamonds priced to sell at $8.8k. I would say the condition is 9.5 but not full jubilee link. Really nice but is the price reasonable? If not, what is the rt price? Oh yes, its from local AD. Wonder any diff for resale.. Thanks.
I m newbie here. Need some advise here from the experts. I saw a preowned 116234 DJ M series, WG bezel, dark MOP with diamonds priced to sell at $8.8k. I would say the condition is 9.5 but not full jubilee link. Really nice but is the price reasonable? If not, what is the rt price? Oh yes, its from local AD. Wonder any diff for resale.. Thanks.
why not get a new piece?? price wise should not be a big different!!
New one? The brand is priced at $14,3XX after less 15% is about $12,4XX. This is pricing from THG. Not sure what overseas AD pricing... but can it be closed to $4k cheaper??