Hi to all, i have always like SS rolex sports watches, but recently kind of attracted by the solid Gold/WG rolex watches... hmm maybe me really getting old liao
Need some advise from gurus/admirers of gold /WG watches including Bro Darkangel:
1) with the price of gold shooting through the roof and if (and provided really) it continues its uptrend towards 2000 USD/ounce, is it worth buying solid gold/WG rolex watches to admire as well as keeping it's value?
2) what is the max gold content that is in the solid gold/WG rolex watches (meaning how much gold is used to make the watch)?
3) which solid gold rolex model do you think is worth keeping?
Thank you for your advise in advance..

Need some advise from gurus/admirers of gold /WG watches including Bro Darkangel:
1) with the price of gold shooting through the roof and if (and provided really) it continues its uptrend towards 2000 USD/ounce, is it worth buying solid gold/WG rolex watches to admire as well as keeping it's value?
2) what is the max gold content that is in the solid gold/WG rolex watches (meaning how much gold is used to make the watch)?
3) which solid gold rolex model do you think is worth keeping?
Thank you for your advise in advance..
