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RSC - The Absolute Stage of Verification?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by polarinda View Post
    I wouldn't call RSC the absolute authority in authentication anymore.
    I had a case where a forummer sold me a watch with 3rd party sapphire crystal according to 5 dealers but was PASSED by RSC.

    There! See? See? Human error!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Rolex116613
      I mean trustworthy as in watch is real but not service.
      noted, but again how can one be so sure that local ADs are trustworthy?


      • #18
        Suddenly thread becomes a which-came-1st-chicken-or-egg scenario, haha!

        I guess the final thought would be:There is no way to be 100% sure but local ADs are as trustworthy as they come. No way that the RSC techs are perfect but they are among the best verification in town. Hmmm, right?


        • #19
          This topic leads to no ending though we can go on and on till the cows come home,

          Bro Polrinda mention that his 3rd party crystal went through undetected by RSC. I can tell you that yes there's a possibility of such small things slipping through.

          While I do agree that RSC techs are not perfect and such loopholes do exist, it doesn't mean they are no good and unable to distinguish between the replica and their product. It is such small things then becomes rumours and as words spread it just becomes fictional.

          You heard from friend's friend's friend that someone brought in a fake and smoked through RSC...but maybe if you had traced back, he actually meant a fake crystal. But the next person interpret as fake watch (total fake watch) and there it goes....rumours go viral.

          My take is, parts of the watch which are generic it's not as easy to differentiate for the new watch tech, for example a springbar or maybe the glass (talking about non-Laser etched ones). A springbar is a springbar, a screw is a screw. It's not branded Rolex on any part. While we pay a decent amt from our hard earned money, I totally understand we shouldn't be getting anything less but somethings are beyond our control too.

          But one thing I can assure, parts like the movement, bracelet,dial,casing etc which are made in house by Rolex, stamped with the Rolex crown somewhere. They can smell the difference from a mile away.

          My $0.02

          Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)


          • #20
            Originally posted by Rolex116613
            Singapore AD is trustworthy.
            Don‘t be surprised that outside of Singapore AD are not.
            Of course there are black sheep somewhere,everywhere. It could even happen in SG, but I believe that we have responsible ADs who will mitigate in the case of anything that happen.

            For the kia si ones, here's my advise for you.

            Anything can happen. If you want to think until very far, even your regular AD whom you have been buying from for years may just decide to pull a fast one on all his customers at one go. Who knows if he owes ah long money and becomes desperate and decide to execute his scam of selling u a daytona at 15% discount telling you that it's your birthday and he wants to give you that special offer. He collects your money and then run road. Well, your regular AD leh...if not him, who else can u trust?

            In short, take necessary precautions, don't walk into unbelievable (extra special) deals. Don't think so much about farfetched things and You're about safe anywhere

            Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)


            • #21
              Originally posted by Darkangel View Post
              I've heard of people who buy from AD and send to RSC for verification...*Scratches head*
              LOL... REALLY.... 'slaps head"


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