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Seadweller 16600 still popular?

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  • Seadweller 16600 still popular?

    Is the discontinued seadweller still a sought after model?
    Also is it appreciating in value?


  • #2
    Not sure.I'm getting mix answer and one pre-owned shop told me it has been slow down as compare to 2 years ago. I believe this model discontinued in some time 2008......

    May have to keep it for few more years if you looking for higher return. Again, that's no magic formulars to this since it's driven by needs, demands and trends in open market. In general, even if it looks good today but no 'sure win' tomorrow.


    • #3
      Originally posted by wjunkie View Post
      Not sure.I'm getting mix answer and one pre-owned shop told me it has been slow down as compare to 2 years ago. I believe this model discontinued in some time 2008......

      May have to keep it for few more years if you looking for higher return. Again, that's no magic formulars to this since it's driven by needs, demands and trends in open market. In general, even if it looks good today but no 'sure win' tomorrow.


      • #4
        That's always a very difficult question. I had the opportunity to own a BN SD last year, but I gave it up to pursue AP RO. I also felt that SD was very similar to Submariner. Thus I gave up SD as I was not really getting it for a quick profit, as Rolex prices were affected by supply and demand. Eventually, I still like SD as the DSSD is really too big for me. If you like it, you should grab it if you could. Since it's already discontinued, it's hard to find 1 nowadays.

        As for the value, I believe it will go up in future. But it will be a long investment. Personally, I buy watches as I love watches. If the values could go up in return, I would consider it as a bonus!


        • #5
          It's for sure! But... it will take a very long long long time... I guess. Do not expect a quick buck over a short period. There are simply too many quantities.


          • #6
            My view for the SD:

            I guess for the value to go up, it will definitely takes a long time. But those who is getting the SD, i would say most but not all, like the watch itself. The watch is well crafted and still an standard equipment issued out to deepsea divers which i understand. However, we will never be able to get a new one anymore as production had already stopped. I like this watch so much that i actually own 2 of these. One to keep and one to wear... but its definitely a fantastic watch that is well built.


            • #7
              Maybe after 15yrs - 20yrs - 30 years later where it would be deemed rare. By then I already lau kor kor liao if lucky, else kicked the bucket already.

              Buy it wear it because U love it, if you want to get something out of it you may want to consider some other super rare watch. Keep in mind the number of these that are floating in the world and on the wrist of SD lovers.
              Every Rolex tells a story


              • #8
                i echo sportee's sentiments... it's an excellent and well-built watch still used by many commercial divers (especially when it was didn't cost so much back in the day).

                however i'm not sure how much its intrinsic value will rise as rolex sold a fair number of 16600s... but as always, i could be wrong!

                you might be better off investigating other SDs if you're looking into "rising values..."
                “Watches, no matter how much they cost, are better at telling time than making a person happy.” - Thomas J. Stanley


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