Can I return and get a refund from my AD within the cooling off period?
Can I return my BNIB rolex to my AD and get a full refund within the cooling off period of 3 days? I have filled name and date on warranty card but plastic protectors are still intact.
Can I return my BNIB rolex to my AD and get a full refund within the cooling off period of 3 days? I have filled name and date on warranty card but plastic protectors are still intact.
Name and date filled then dun talk liaos
Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)
did you have any agreement with your AD to say that you can have a full refund within 3 days if you dont like the watch? if no, then there is no way to get a refund.
remember, the moment you part your cash to the seller, it means u accept the watch condition and you are the owner.
Can I return my BNIB rolex to my AD and get a full refund within the cooling off period of 3 days? I have filled name and date on warranty card but plastic protectors are still intact.
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sorry, once you part with your money. You have full ownership. Also will not be fair to the next person who has to buy a watch on the pretext that it is BNIB, when it was "owned" previously.
[U]Currently wearing[/U]:
[SIZE="1"]TT Datejust with diamond dial - sold!
Blue 6694
Seiko SD-lookalike[/SIZE]
[U]"My collection"[/U]:
[SIZE="1"]Blue 6694; TT DJ w diamond dial.[/SIZE]
did you have any agreement with your AD to say that you can have a full refund within 3 days if you dont like the watch? if no, then there is no way to get a refund.
remember, the moment you part your cash to the seller, it means u accept the watch condition and you are the owner.
Even with that...I think if you want to have to return as BRAND NEW,nothing written or wadsoever leh...
So...once warrenty card written means they cannot sell to another person as a BRAND NEW set...I doubt they will agree. coz if they's gonna get really messy
Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)
bro sam is rite, here's what i extract from the site:
8. Would consumers be able to cancel contracts under the Act?
MTI has gazetted regulations to allow for cancellation of time share and direct sales contracts within a 3-day cooling off period (excluding Sat, Sun and public holidays). The cooling off period is specifically targeted at situations where the consumer is subjected to high-pressure sale tactics. During the cooling-off period, consumers should review their purchasing decision and, if they decide to cancel the contract, give the trader notice of cancellation in the manner provided under the Regulations.
it is more for time share where the consumer kenna pressured by sales to sign on the spot, dun apply to goods like watches...