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Rolex Price Hikes in January?

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  • Rolex Price Hikes in January?

    First post here, this is a really useful forum and has taught me loads, in anticipation of buying my first Rolex.

    I visited a few dealers in Orchard today, window shopping for a SS or TT GMT IIc, which I'm planning to buy in the next couple of months. Discounts on the SS list price of S$9,975 varied from 0 to 5%, while the TT can be had for 10% off the 14,xxx list price.

    Of the three dealers, all told me that list prices would be going up soon. One said maybe it would be about a 10% hike. Another said new prices would come into effect on Jan 1st.

    Does anyone have any information on this, as obviously I'd rather buy the watch tomorrow than spend an extra $1,000 on the same thing in a few weeks. Or, is this just sales staff trying to book a few more sales for 2010?

  • #2
    Originally posted by bigrich View Post
    First post here, this is a really useful forum and has taught me loads, in anticipation of buying my first Rolex.

    I visited a few dealers in Orchard today, window shopping for a SS or TT GMT IIc, which I'm planning to buy in the next couple of months. Discounts on the SS list price of S$9,975 varied from 0 to 5%, while the TT can be had for 10% off the 14,xxx list price.

    Of the three dealers, all told me that list prices would be going up soon. One said maybe it would be about a 10% hike. Another said new prices would come into effect on Jan 1st.

    Does anyone have any information on this, as obviously I'd rather buy the watch tomorrow than spend an extra $1,000 on the same thing in a few weeks. Or, is this just sales staff trying to book a few more sales for 2010?
    Hi Bro,

    When you are getting? maybe we can get it together to enjoy more discount.


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