chubb cobra model and fichet bauche saphir model same design same... dial same but the only different is the lock key as each use their own special design...
price for the smallest model 185kg 400h x 500w x 475d = $1050 w/gst
price for the mid model 230kg 600h x 500w x 475d = $1750 w/gst
price for the hi-mid model 260kg 750h x 500w x 475d = 1850 w/gst (got drawer)
siong the price... but wat u paying is quality i guess...
rosengrens home safe 70kg 500h x 400w x 450d = $980 w/gst
no need to worry abt the glass breaking... its not those thin filmsy type... it will only break when someone try to pry the dial off and use hammer to hit it off...or when someone want to drill into the safe...
today i be going down to kim leng see the saphir 55 safe... hope the price is good... its 256kg... power!
after i experience my previous maid stealing money and admitting she thought of prying open my mom drawer to retrieve her passport to escape with the money stolen... and the possibility of her opening door let some bangala come in to move the safe where they can pry open in their hide out with the tools they had... i no longer believed in small light safe... jus get one damn heavy one...
let them drive into my house ahahah... but there is this uchida safe from kim leng... jap model with anti shock alarm... if u shock it like lifting abit drop or hammer... it goes eeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... pricing about 50 more compare to same size hercules safe
let them drive into my house ahahah... but there is this uchida safe from kim leng... jap model with anti shock alarm... if u shock it like lifting abit drop or hammer... it goes eeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... pricing about 50 more compare to same size hercules safe
i saw that as well..but uchida nowadays made in thailand..u got see the locking bolts or not? made of square folded metal and not rounded bolts leh..
ya... wat turn me off is the key lock and dial... the dial look flimsy like those 70s design... and the key lock like those cash box key... not very secure i felt... fichet bauche is abt 100 more ex than chubb for similar sized...
ya... wat turn me off is the key lock and dial... the dial look flimsy like those 70s design... and the key lock like those cash box key... not very secure i felt... fichet bauche is abt 100 more ex than chubb for similar sized...
the key is not computer key for uchida..see liao very sian..
yes... saphir also got... think their key increase the cost...
now planning between cobra model 2 or 3 or rosengren... all 3 are excellent safe... rosengren is more home safe with better fire resistant... its also much lighter at 70kg... cobra is more office safe at 256kg...
s&g dial, muser double bit key, 60min fire resistant... dunno how to explain... u see and feel it then see and feel those korean safe... jus like feeling conti and korean car... no joke... for 300 more... worth it...
i jus found out why chubb cheaper than fichet... chubb no relocker while fichet got... wat a disappointment... the fichet smallest model with no key only dial... wow i try the door... i can see how someone can break it... damn solid... opening it got the thunk sound...
rosengrens home safe 980 buck and fichet saphir model 30 1050 buck... volume same as one is taller another wider... weight different... haha 120kg...
rosengrens come with s&g dial plus muser key while fichet come with s&g dial and yum yum "relocker" ... which to get... guess chubb model 2 and 3 and fichet model 55 is out cos they cost abt 1700 to 1900... haiz
finally decided on the rosengrens home safe after much comparision...
1. 90 min fire rating
2. s&g dial with mauer key lock giving dual protection
3. tall design with shelve make it easier for me to store my stuff
4. 70kg weight not too light for people to move
5. it look so chio with the opening turn lever... hahaha sorry i cant accept ugly safe hahaha
Last but not least... its 980 buck nett which is within my 1k budget...
cos fichet the dimension i can only put 1 place in my room and its exposed to window haha... at least resengren dimension slimmer can hide some other place... i tried 70kg... realise quite heavy laio... 2 person also take some time to shift...