hi there,
i was actually surfing for information on which watch to buy when i chanced upon this website.
i've worn an explorer ii for the past 5 years (a present from my wife), but unfortunately it was lost recently.
i've enjoyed my previous watch and it suits my job perfectly, but i wonder: what is the allure of the gmt master ii? it seems generally more popular than the explorer ii.
i also understand that there are a few revisions/versions of gmt masters: the older ones that tell 2 time zones (with/without quick set/1 hr red hand jumps, etc), and the newer one which tells 3 time zones.
how is the third time zone told?
i've seen some second hand rolexes (dating to maybe 70s and 80s) being sold whereby the caseback's inner rim has corroded - can/will RSC actually change the caseback or entire case of the watch in such a situation when you send it in for servicing?
i wanna thank everyone who contributed to compiling the list of places to buy a pre-owned rolex in singapore.
i'll be back in a few months' time and i will spend the time from now until then decided if buying a brand new watch is worth it...
meanwhile i shall surf those sites and have a look at the prices of the watches in comparison with what i can save.
a friend of mine even mentioned to take a quick trip to macau and buy a replacement from a pawnshop!
well, if anybody feels like discussing what i've mentioned above, feel free to reply to my post.
i was actually surfing for information on which watch to buy when i chanced upon this website.
i've worn an explorer ii for the past 5 years (a present from my wife), but unfortunately it was lost recently.
i've enjoyed my previous watch and it suits my job perfectly, but i wonder: what is the allure of the gmt master ii? it seems generally more popular than the explorer ii.
i also understand that there are a few revisions/versions of gmt masters: the older ones that tell 2 time zones (with/without quick set/1 hr red hand jumps, etc), and the newer one which tells 3 time zones.
how is the third time zone told?
i've seen some second hand rolexes (dating to maybe 70s and 80s) being sold whereby the caseback's inner rim has corroded - can/will RSC actually change the caseback or entire case of the watch in such a situation when you send it in for servicing?
i wanna thank everyone who contributed to compiling the list of places to buy a pre-owned rolex in singapore.
i'll be back in a few months' time and i will spend the time from now until then decided if buying a brand new watch is worth it...
meanwhile i shall surf those sites and have a look at the prices of the watches in comparison with what i can save.
a friend of mine even mentioned to take a quick trip to macau and buy a replacement from a pawnshop!
well, if anybody feels like discussing what i've mentioned above, feel free to reply to my post.