There is no such thing as "median income of an average spore family". It is either median household income or average household income. Median income is the index that is usually referred to, as average income assumes all household share the total income equally. For 2011, the median monthly household income including employer CPF contribution is $6307, and excluding employer CPF contribution $5624.
And average Singaporean don't buy 90k-COE car. The average Singaporean take public transport.
Sorry for OT but just wanna set the record right.
Originally posted by relac88
There's no 'right or wrong record'
For eg what evidence or record do u have to support the statement "an average singaporean doesnt buy cars with 90k coe"?
I have friends with average income buying cars with 90k coe
I have friends with above average income taking mrt to work
I have rich friends who buy rolex
I have poor friends who buy rolex
What gives?
Btw i am pretty surprised to learn that the median family income is only ~6k... Thats really low by today's standard
OT but their are 190,000 Millionaires here based on OECD Standards !! :O
Hi all, I'm at Taipei now and was offered NT$175,000 for a brand new
14060, which works out to about SGD7500? Is this a fair/gd price? Have yet to factor in the 5% tax rebate. I think I may be able to bargain till abit more. Any help will be appreciated cause I'm leaving for SG tmrw.
I also like the white one. Abit undecided. Saw one at hour glass today for 15k. Can someone kindly advise if this is a good price? Or I can get it cheaper else where.