I know having scratches adds character to your watch but i am still very protective of my pam, for example when at crowded places i tend to keep my arm closer as to avoid "brushing" against someone's else watches or bracelet. When reaching for objects or taking stuff i always use my other right hand
My watch was in perfect condition for a few weeks but eventually i got a few scratches when my wife grab my hand and her rings brushed my pam. I just smiled at her while crying inside my heart.
So guys, how protective are you of your Pam? Do you hide it under the pillow with stockings wrapped in it? Wear it with you when you are at home lol? Or keep it inside a safe and take it out only when you are going out lol?

So guys, how protective are you of your Pam? Do you hide it under the pillow with stockings wrapped in it? Wear it with you when you are at home lol? Or keep it inside a safe and take it out only when you are going out lol?