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PAM 28L or PAM 26K

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  • PAM 28L or PAM 26K

    Hi guys,

    Just want to seek your "current" opinion on an old thread, I want to get a pvd (dlc) panerai, but undecided whether to get a PAM 28L or PAM 26K.

    Should I get the PAM 28L because it is more functional because of its power reserve, automatic and date feature or the PAM 26K because its a destro and supposedly more historical?

    Which do you think would hold its value in the long term?

    Thank you in advance for your opinions on this.


  • #2
    They are very different watches cept for the DLC really. I'd say go for whichever pleases ur sight more rather than value holding power, you dont want to end up with a watch u like any less for the kind of price both are going. In a nutshell, i guess its a decision between their 'noise' level on the dials and wearing a lefty if ur right handed (destros wear smaller on the left wrist)... You cant go wrong if u followed ur heart on this one, good luck and enjoy ur purchase =)


    • #3
      Pardon me, i actually left out a very important point. The difference between auto and manual winding may prove of very much importance to individuals. Afterall its how you will get 'connected' to the watch.. It may be just me cause i'm a manual freak but i know some who wouldnt want to spend a min winding their watches (doubt they love their watches any less though).


      • #4
        Happen to have had both before.

        Super tight call, mate. Ask seller to allow you to mount watch on and get a "final feel". If both pieces are in one location, then you can square off. If each piece sits with its respective seller, then honestly very tough to decide.

        For 28, the centre pr sweeper should swing the vote.
        For 26, the destro crown and base look should tilt the balance.
        I think no one could decide it for you except one person, yourself.

        Hold price?
        Both pieces have kind of bottomed out for a while. Frankly there was a point in time demand for 28 > 26, and then 26 > 28.
        Once again, frankly neither dealers nor risti friends are able to tell you for sure.

        1. Pls know what booklets come with these 2 pieces. Check for the big yellow cloth.
        2. DLC is scratch resistant but .. not scratch proof. Local watch restoration houses have no expertise to re-layer for you. So, check for scratches and live with them if they occur.

        Have a good Panerai time with your final purchase. Cheers.


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