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  • #16
    I like this guy's opinion:

    L to R
    5218-201/A with a Non Matching Dial
    Pre A9 with the 6500 caseback and the t-swiss-t dial
    5218-202/A with a Non Matching Dial


    • #17
      Originally posted by Dewi P. View Post
      I like this guy's opinion:

      L to R
      5218-201/A with a Non Matching Dial
      Pre A9 with the 6500 caseback and the t-swiss-t dial
      5218-202/A with a Non Matching Dial

      And your point being? This chap has got some fantastic collection of rare Pams? Doesnt really address the original question of this thread does it? Or is that more of a desperate call for attention?


      • #18
        Another vote for Pam 351 ... Only reason stopping me from getting one so far is the titanium case (I prefer heavier watches and titanium is relatively soft and scratches more easily based on prior experiences with other titanium timepieces) ...
        运筹帷幄 决胜千里


        • #19
          My frd, just buy the basic model to play lol as it is not worth to spend so much $$$$$ on this brand.

          Tke my wrds.

          In 5-8years time, this brand will....................


          I used to be panerai player too but i give up on that last two years ago.

          If you really wnt to play watches & get bck high re-sales values, you should go for Rolex or AP or PP watches.

          All the best to you bro


          • #20
            Originally posted by psee View Post
            Another vote for Pam 351 ... Only reason stopping me from getting one so far is the titanium case (I prefer heavier watches and titanium is relatively soft and scratches more easily based on prior experiences with other titanium timepieces) ...
            Bro, your point makes me abit worry but found below article, hopefully Panerai using the same grade titanum as the rings mention below.

            Can Titanium Rings Get Scratched?

            This is a very common question asked by all the responsible and concerned consumers, buying a titanium ring. Titanium rings are undoubtedly amongst the toughest rings on this planet, but there are many opinions regarding its scratch resistant nature. Titanium rings do not get scratched easily. Due to their durable and tough nature, it is difficult to scratch them and the process might also take a long time. However, they tend to lose their scratch resistant nature and become prone to scratches over a period of time. Titanium rings can be scratched with the help of sandpaper and also with the help of tough materials made up of steel. Of course, titanium rings are comparatively more scratch resistant, durable and tough, than other metal rings such as gold, silver and platinum! But, still we cannot say that titanium rings are completely scratch free!


            • #21
              Originally posted by Hollyman View Post
              My frd, just buy the basic model to play lol as it is not worth to spend so much $$$$$ on this brand.

              Tke my wrds.

              In 5-8years time, this brand will....................


              I used to be panerai player too but i give up on that last two years ago.

              If you really wnt to play watches & get bck high re-sales values, you should go for Rolex or AP or PP watches.

              All the best to you bro
              Noted but.... 351 new design really makes me drooling.....


              • #22
                Majority votes 351. I know i cannot go wrong with it. Thanks to all. Btw, hearsay Panerai boutique coming very soon to Singapore. Is is a good or bad news?


                • #23
                  My Frd,

                  Buy that you can afford, but mostly buy that you really like and don't think about high re-sale value. Unless you want to play play watches like Mr.Hollyman. Play play watches you dont need to like it to buy it, just need to follow what other people think about the watch.



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by LaiDaWei View Post
                    My Frd,

                    Buy that you can afford, but mostly buy that you really like and don't think about high re-sale value. Unless you want to play play watches like Mr.Hollyman. Play play watches you dont need to like it to buy it, just need to follow what other people think about the watch.

                    Aiyah bro, just need to double confirmed i make the right choice.

                    i really like + everybody likes = high resale value + head turners
                    i really like + everybody don't like = low resale value + eat yourself

                    Have to learn the smartbuyer's way, no choice i'm just an average guy.


                    • #25
                      351 for the tobacco dial. pair it with a nubuck tobacco strap. wow!
                      I don't have enuf watches but I will stop buying now!


                      • #26
                        All look almost the same (either more numbers on the dials...). All use same P9000movements? If that the case, cheapest should be the best option. Whether Panerai price would stand up there in few years time, maybe it still will. Considering that really old PAM are fetching good price like what vintage rolex been doing in Auction house for the pass few years. Beside, got Richemont backing and pumping $$$ to become "vertical" operation watch company. It just like LVMH with Hublot. Maybe one day, Charles&Keith would also sell watch since LVMH took some stake in them. Hahaha


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by fondriest View Post
                          And your point being? This chap has got some fantastic collection of rare Pams? Doesnt really address the original question of this thread does it? Or is that more of a desperate call for attention?
                          I guess you would have to know the guy to understand where he is comng from but I know for fact, he only owns 4 watches, those 3 and a PAM 09B as his daily beater. His thoughts, as he has told me is "Why buy a watch that is going to depreciate in value", so he sold his other PAMS, IWC and such and now only owns rare PAM's that are going to appreciate in value.

                          Personally, he has opened my mind up about what time pieces to buy and not to buy.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Dewi P. View Post
                            I guess you would have to know the guy to understand where he is comng from but I know for fact, he only owns 4 watches, those 3 and a PAM 09B as his daily beater. His thoughts, as he has told me is "Why buy a watch that is going to depreciate in value", so he sold his other PAMS, IWC and such and now only owns rare PAM's that are going to appreciate in value.

                            Personally, he has opened my mind up about what time pieces to buy and not to buy.
                            ...and like you, that fella and his other half have superb EQ when interacting with fellow forummers..for instance calling out vendome pieces are for dogs and such (yes, we have long memories) and I recalled something along the same line was said about folks being hypocrites by you only a week or two ago..excellent EQ.

                            In a perfect world everyone would want to own those NM/M logos, a vintage or two but while you and that fella might be blessed with heaps of money, most of the folks here don't have such luxury of buying USD 70k pieces or even one of your PAVs. So when they ask for which models to go for, they would have matched it to their budget (some people would save years to buy a Zero mind you). I for one don't see a point talking about pieces that I am sure would not be within the original poster's radar/budget other than just being a big attention seeker.

                            I personally took what you said about the 360 owners to heart. Just so you know, #249 is still with its


                            • #29
                              As a newie panerai owner like me, feel that since i able to buy a Pam will be lucky and fortunate whom a member just mentioned earlier. Next, I just feel proud n don't bother of what's other ppl own as everyone have difference tastes in appreciating the watches too! If you (winsguy)like the model you want just go,grab and own it. My conclusion is there will be no end in owning a watches you love as more and more models will be coming soon,cheers!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by zameenzahari View Post
                                ...and like you, that fella and his other half have superb EQ when interacting with fellow forummers..for instance calling out vendome pieces are for dogs and such (yes, we have long memories) and I recalled something along the same line was said about folks being hypocrites by you only a week or two ago..excellent EQ.

                                In a perfect world everyone would want to own those NM/M logos, a vintage or two but while you and that fella might be blessed with heaps of money, most of the folks here don't have such luxury of buying USD 70k pieces or even one of your PAVs. So when they ask for which models to go for, they would have matched it to their budget (some people would save years to buy a Zero mind you). I for one don't see a point talking about pieces that I am sure would not be within the original poster's radar/budget other than just being a big attention seeker.

                                I personally took what you said about the 360 owners to heart. Just so you know, #249 is still with its
                                A budget for a time piece only depends on how long a buyer can save up his cash before say "Blowing his load" so too speak on a particular time piece. People who have the ability to set goals and buy what they want rather than settle for what they can afford at the time when the craving itch strikes hard. It is all about buying at the right time, buying when things are down and having the confidence to know prices will go back up because these pieces are real collectors items.

                                I personally would rather keep that Casio/Seiko on my wrist a little longer to remind me and drive me to work harder and smarter towards my goals, whatever they may be, rather than settling for something I know will fall in value the day I walk out of the AD.

                                As for being a member of the BBQ 360 club, congratulations, but after seriously giving it some consideration, I will say the same that some others have said, it is not for me, wearing anything with a fake patina is not what I would consider worthy of wearing, just flipping.


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