Yes, free.
Just ask any prospective seller to meet at Richemont to have the watch head (sorry bracelets, strap & buckle cannot be authenticated & was never authenticated previously) check for defects, damaged parts, wrong parts, fake parts, accuracy, corrosion, leakage, abuse & fake watch and to for the technicians to check if servicing, repairs & replacement are needed.
It's will just take 15 - 30min.
If there's nothing wrong w e watch, you can close e deal with your seller safely.
But pls do not conduct your buy/sell deal in Richemont or any service ctr as you will be chased out.
If e technician found any fake parts or if e whole watch head is fake, you will be refused service immediately, ur watch closed & will be returned & no comment will be given by e 3 beautiful receptionist. That's e deal in R & everywhere else.
If the 2 technicians found damaged, badly done servicing, corroded, leakage, wrong parts, worn, torn parts inside ur watch, u will get a quotation from the receptionist.
There's nothing wrong with backing out from the repairs, replacement & service & telling Richemont or any repair ctr in e world of all brands tat you decided not to go ahead with e repairs. It's your right to refuse after you receive the quotation.
At least you the buyer know what's wrong with the watch even if both of you decided not to service or repair e watch.
The prospective buyer will be the new owner.
The seller is the current owner.
Both prospective buyer/seller who bring any watch to any official service centre worldwide of all brands deserve this service as it's your consumer rights to get a quotation before any work can start even when you know the watch is new.
And, if there's nothing wrong with your watch, you'll be told so as well.
If any parts on or inside your watch head is fake, the service ctr will deny you service without any comment.
All buyers should demand to meet up & check at official service ctr from their seller as it only take 15min.
I know I will.
This is not about dishonesty, trickery or taking advantage of any1.
It's about your right as a consumer!
So the notion that Panerai watch can no longer be authenticated is not true.
Richemont is actually helping prospective buyers here by 'forcing' e sellers to have their watches checked for defects, fakes & etc, for free.
Any sellers that suddenly back out or tell e prospective buyer that their watch is sold after you request em to meet up at R and give you excuse that they have lotsa good feedback, reputation to protect, can't leave e shop to meet you, nowhere to hide in small Spore if e deal is bad & etc should be treated with absolute care.
Remember this, once e watch pass from seller to buyer, the seller no longer has any obligation if there's a fake, damaged, wrong, badly installed parts/watch.
Buyers stand to lose if you are not careful.
Just ask any prospective seller to meet at Richemont to have the watch head (sorry bracelets, strap & buckle cannot be authenticated & was never authenticated previously) check for defects, damaged parts, wrong parts, fake parts, accuracy, corrosion, leakage, abuse & fake watch and to for the technicians to check if servicing, repairs & replacement are needed.
It's will just take 15 - 30min.
If there's nothing wrong w e watch, you can close e deal with your seller safely.
But pls do not conduct your buy/sell deal in Richemont or any service ctr as you will be chased out.
If e technician found any fake parts or if e whole watch head is fake, you will be refused service immediately, ur watch closed & will be returned & no comment will be given by e 3 beautiful receptionist. That's e deal in R & everywhere else.
If the 2 technicians found damaged, badly done servicing, corroded, leakage, wrong parts, worn, torn parts inside ur watch, u will get a quotation from the receptionist.
There's nothing wrong with backing out from the repairs, replacement & service & telling Richemont or any repair ctr in e world of all brands tat you decided not to go ahead with e repairs. It's your right to refuse after you receive the quotation.
At least you the buyer know what's wrong with the watch even if both of you decided not to service or repair e watch.
The prospective buyer will be the new owner.
The seller is the current owner.
Both prospective buyer/seller who bring any watch to any official service centre worldwide of all brands deserve this service as it's your consumer rights to get a quotation before any work can start even when you know the watch is new.
And, if there's nothing wrong with your watch, you'll be told so as well.
If any parts on or inside your watch head is fake, the service ctr will deny you service without any comment.
All buyers should demand to meet up & check at official service ctr from their seller as it only take 15min.
I know I will.
This is not about dishonesty, trickery or taking advantage of any1.
It's about your right as a consumer!
So the notion that Panerai watch can no longer be authenticated is not true.
Richemont is actually helping prospective buyers here by 'forcing' e sellers to have their watches checked for defects, fakes & etc, for free.
Any sellers that suddenly back out or tell e prospective buyer that their watch is sold after you request em to meet up at R and give you excuse that they have lotsa good feedback, reputation to protect, can't leave e shop to meet you, nowhere to hide in small Spore if e deal is bad & etc should be treated with absolute care.
Remember this, once e watch pass from seller to buyer, the seller no longer has any obligation if there's a fake, damaged, wrong, badly installed parts/watch.
Buyers stand to lose if you are not careful.
