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Stamps the Purchase date?

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  • Stamps the Purchase date?

    If buying a brand new pam, Should i ask the A/D to stamp the purchase date or leave the purchase date blank? Which is better? Pls advise...

  • #2
    Originally posted by xingwei34 View Post
    If buying a brand new pam, Should i ask the A/D to stamp the purchase date or leave the purchase date blank? Which is better? Pls advise...
    IMO it will be better if you can get it undated cos you can date it yourself slightly a while later but most of the time, those AD won't allow to leave the date blank unless you are lucky or you know someone there. You can still request for it but i think it won't be easy.


    • #3
      Originally posted by xingwei34 View Post
      If buying a brand new pam, Should i ask the A/D to stamp the purchase date or leave the purchase date blank? Which is better? Pls advise...
      Which AD pl?
      The Crown Of Achievement


      • #4
        Date stamp or not, the AD will still have to register the watch purchase into their database which is then recorded in OP database. Imagine you keep the watch for 5 years and there is no date stamp, do you think it is still under warranty???


        • #5
          Originally posted by leeye View Post
          Date stamp or not, the AD will still have to register the watch purchase into their database which is then recorded in OP database. Imagine you keep the watch for 5 years and there is no date stamp, do you think it is still under warranty???
          Exactly. Each watch purchased would have been registered into the OP database at the point of purchase. Whether you date it there or later is immaterial. Do note that in-house nowadays does not come with the card.


          • #6
            Just date it at point of purchase. With today's technology, the watch can be traced every point. They just scan the price tag and all ad in the world can know when and where the watch was sold. Why try to gain a little and compromise one's integrity, especially when malu in front of the servicing lady.
            In fact, There is no need for a warranty card cos all can be computerized. It's there just for the buyer to refer to.

            It's a hobby so enjoy it as it should be.


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