The 275 owner.... let me guess... drives a blue car?
Whatever you do in Chinatown, dun stare at young kids with lots of tattoos... I don't think Ah Fu can protect you. Your number is close.. 366... almost there..
Whaa..loah !! Golan bro u r such a cracker leh" If I stare & shout 366" those kids sure laugh till their pants down!! They think I must be a Siow Ah Pek LOL! kekeke
but I thought most of the forum brudders here hated the 366 when it was first announced...looks, heritage blah blah blah
Thnxs Daywalker, I've seen too many times comments /remark from a newly release models. Different ppl different taste....not even if ur were twin born LOL!! Just follow your heart & buy what smile to u BTW, I just spotted ur new toy !!! Swee "
Nah.Just kidding.
But I got a upset throat smoking the suriya cig though lol
This weekend, if can get ken too.
Got place can smoke and drink kopi at the same time?
Nah.Just kidding.
But I got a upset throat smoking the suriya cig though lol
This weekend, if can get ken too.
Got place can smoke and drink kopi at the same time?
Hope yr throat is alright bro in fact I'm cutting down on smoking" hehehe . Will check wif Ken. for weekend meetup. Cheers
The weatherman reported it gonna be a fine day So I rangup a buddy who wasn't attending HK gtg for a lunch meetup" So we pick a nice Makan join to make Chinese Pam feel at home
Oh no !!our favorite Mala steamboat restaurant was under renovation . So we check out a few steps away also serve same kind of hot stuffs!!
Look yummy ... Not bad at all "
My buddy worn a pam275 was more certain now after looking at the real 366" It was much much more than just unique.. he said !! I've a very shiok weekend " Thnx for looking
Nice watch with "FU". Looking at the earlier media pix which I guess are just graphics are not nice, looking at shots of the actual watch, seems very nice really. Congrats on your new catch! Its indeed very nice!
Nice watch with "FU". Looking at the earlier media pix which I guess are just graphics are not nice, looking at shots of the actual watch, seems very nice really. Congrats on your new catch! Its indeed very nice!
Thnxs tsetse,no offend here... we 've been screwed many times by the media in real life too often bro" They were paid to sing your tune !!Kekeke
Hahaha.... tell those small boy...kua si mi lan....kua wau eh 366
I dare not do it bro "I was trained only one on one... unlike u passed wif flying colors .I never forget an incident of u knocking down 3 idiots twices your bulit !! Kekeke
I dare not do it bro "I was trained only one on one... unlike u passed wif flying colors .I never forget an incident of u knocking down 3 idiots twices your bulit !! Kekeke
John, didn't know you are a Senior Member!!! Sorry me don't frequent here so often. Lee (aka Mr. Submersible) kekekeke.
Nice to see u here Bro Lee, oh please please not so senior as think lah" I'm still learning from many expert here ppl like u I'll quite a lazy person in real life just too many pam models.. often learn & forget .kekeke