Was call up on duty on my labour day ...WTF ". I neeed to unwind after all stress up on a hot like oven day!! .Let's go Karaoke
" Is Beatles Time"
>>< Come join me" Singalong <<<
It been a hard day night"...
And I been hiring like a Dog.
It been a hard day night"...
I should be flipping like a frog"
>>> End <<<<
Whaa...What a Dome" Not one but four ....what's that !!! Is "Lucky in the sky wif diamond "

Another interesting moment to share here :
Guess who wrist is that !!! Alemak"How come I look more like an over grilled Lamb-chop hor" Kekeke

We got a total Pwr reserve tank enough for 10 days " LOL!!

>>< Come join me" Singalong <<<
It been a hard day night"...
And I been hiring like a Dog.
It been a hard day night"...
I should be flipping like a frog"
>>> End <<<<
Whaa...What a Dome" Not one but four ....what's that !!! Is "Lucky in the sky wif diamond "

Another interesting moment to share here :
Guess who wrist is that !!! Alemak"How come I look more like an over grilled Lamb-chop hor" Kekeke

We got a total Pwr reserve tank enough for 10 days " LOL!!
