Bro you the best... u stayed cool when we fight war together, not bowing to pressure by the villains, we have facts and evidences to back us up, we never say die.....and the victories are ours
You know wat i mean right...haha
I sleep well knowing the enemies hv retreated and FRED... sorry typo error hv FLED....
Ha. That's because we are all from the same hall of justice.
AFAIK, there is inly 2 females there. Which one do you want to be?
1 part of Wondertwin powers (In which case, you need a twin brother)
Wonderwoman...(love her tube top, gold bangles and big hair)
When I was a young boy, I clue on the TV... never fail a single series of Wonderwoman. Look at those double ice-cream cone top' OMG! Once said to myself ,I'm going to marry her somedays
She came to my sweet dream,but ..."not when she has fall apart" So that was me at the age of 10'
discovered more & admired more new things in real life.
Ok Fast FWD> Today here my new admired Young boy similar to age of doing more amazing thing other than collecting DC comic stuffs ' I would like to share here my new admirer. He was as young as my daughter ,already start to play like a pro & put many adult to shame.He self taught at 8 & is 12+ today.Here is one i like most Originally by The Beatles
Yeah... I was wondering about that letter Z. My colleagues asked me if it was some kind of secret society. Hahahaha... Mdm Z - sounds super cool
OK I had enough Bad bad day from the start on my work liao See where go swee go visiting during CNY "
Everything goes so wrong F%#^K ! No no no ..when I'm about to peep on PPG's action>> kiss goodbye batt .
BTW, I prefer the facelift version of tis PPG's...I think many would agree hor"
Sisto DMâ„¢ Your Lucky Pinky version also not too bad lah! But...can be better lah. Kekekeke
Good try ....but too far out bro! Was already been piss by work laio. Ur Super Lau Ciao Kuchingku + Paneraii bro. how come cannot come out wif more logical & sensible answer regarding the Big" Z " lettter. OK ok , my daughter was so kind to provide u clue here>
U know liao right ! Hee...hee..heee