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Panerai Price Dropping!

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Taipan View Post
    Officine Panerai is a solid Italian brand from a country that has fiery passion, fashion and the best sports cars in the world! Their cuisine is popular. I don't know much about their wines but pizza and pasta is already like a staple for other cultures. Panerai watches are also unique and have an actual military history. Pams are quirky and attract admirers who share the same appeal much like the way that Alfa Romeos have a niche following. OP has models that are sexy and sporty. They are here to stay. I have even seen Pams in pawnshops and also saw people bidding for them at pawnbroker auctions. Recently, some Pams have even been appearing for sale in our local forums with no boxes and appears. It has garnered the attention from replica makers just like the rollies. Is it not often said that copying is the sincerest form of flattery? Anyway it requires a substantial foundation for any watch company to be able to put up an exhibition in a museum halfway across the globe. So I would not be so quick to dismiss Pams just la Panerai!
    i agree with you..and for the point in bold, do you mean the ladies?
    I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


    • #77
      Ditto +1

      Originally posted by exxondus View Post
      i agree with you..and for the point in bold, do you mean the ladies?
      But with all watches going away from puny size and thin thicknesss and ultra complications, will it come a day
      when small, thin and less parts or jewels will make a comeback?


      • #78
        Originally posted by Fred_Tan View Post
        Yes, current & common models like 0, 5, 24, 25, 88, 90, 104, 111, 112, 113, 114, 164, 212 & 240 price dropped but not as bad as any other brands like IWC, JLC, Rolex.
        I think these models registered the least dropped when compared to other brands.

        22BT was asking for like 28k 2 yrs ago...
        but I know it only actually changed hand at 18k even at it's peak in Jun-08 with an Indonesian buyer....
        Pay anything higher and u'd overpaid.....
        Anyway, based on prices that was "actually" executed, transacted and not price that was asked in all the Posts by dealers which I have been recording in my humble Excel, I don't think 2/156, 3646s, 6152s, 6154, 201s, 301s, 1B-T, 2B-T, 21, 22B-T, 23B-T, 26B-T, 28B-T, 56, 89, 91, 92, 93, 115, 117, 123, 127, 194, 195, 203, 217, 232, 237, 239, 249, 292J & 301 did go down. So, again I reiterate, NO, price didn't drop for these models at all if we look at real transacted price compared between lows in Mar 2009 and highs in Sep-08.

        In fact, 2/156, 3646s, 6152s, 6154, 201s, 301s, 1B-T, 2B-T, 21, 22B-T, 23B-T, 26B-T, 28B-T, 56, 89, 91, 92, 93, 115, 117, 123, 127, 194, 195, 203, 217, 232, 237, 239, 249, 292J & 301 prices has been going up since mid-09.

        Panerai is 1st brand with select models like 2/156, 3646s, 6152s, 6154, 201s, 301s, 1B-T, 2B-T, 21, 22B-T, 23B-T, 26B-T, 28B-T, 56, 89, 91, 92, 93, 115, 117, 123, 127, 203, 217, 232, 237, 239, 249, 292J & 301 to register transacted price increase along with 0, 5, 111, 112, 176, 177 & 219 since mid-09.

        Sadly, for 24, 25, 88, 90, 104, 164 & 240, the price will con't to slide as 305, 312, 320 & 321 will take it's place.

        I do not compare price based on FS asking.
        I know I cannot use FS as it's manipulated by buyers & sellers alike.
        I must not include SGD35k asking for 217....30k for 249....29k for 292J...20k for 232....35k for 195.....29k for 123....200k for 203....32k for 26BT.....400k for I know they never changed hand.

        In stock prices, ur portfolio & worth is valued at closed bid & not ask.
        I treat the same for watches.

        And, I ignore all low collectors pricing as they may need to sell cheap due to lack of Reference.
        There're collectors here & in other forums who try to bring e mart down by posting fake FS with low prices, which I ignore.
        There're also sellers whom posted high prices with no watches to spurn e mart esp in 2007 & 2008.
        These ppl whom seldom trade & appear suddenly as they dissapear are also ignored by me.

        I only look at price that was actually sold by traders as it's what the mart is, and it's standardize; something like SGX lar....easi to compare.

        So in conclusion, I think everyone will agree, apart from 24, 25, 88, 90, 104, 164 & 240, Panerai price has stabilized & had started to increase.

        I also think, every one will agree that Panerai remain as the only brand with least depreciation for 0, 5, 111, 112, 176, 177 & 219.

        I also think based on real transacted prices, Panerai is the only brand where select models like 2/156, 3646s, 6152s, 6154, 201s, 301s, 1B-T, 2B-T, 21, 22B-T, 23B-T, 26B-T, 28B-T, 56, 89, 91, 92, 93, 115, 117, 123, 127, 203, 217, 232, 237, 239, 249, 292J & 301 never go down at all.

        And, 2/156, 3646s, 6152s, 6154, 201s, 301s, 1B-T, 2B-T, 21, 22B-T, 23B-T, 26B-T, 28B-T, 56, 89, 91, 92, 93, 115, 117, 123, 127, 203, 217, 232, 237, 239, 249, 292J & 301 along with 0, 5, 111, 112, 176, 177 & 219 are starting to increase, e 1st brand to do so since mid tis yr.
        LOL, woke up to a wall of text... what did I miss??? So sorry har, I PAM newbie only... miraculously picked up a PAM22BT while walking on the streets without knowing what it is. Worst part is I sold it at a damn lousy price man... my gawd... if only I've done my research would I have made a pile man...Shingz!

        If u've not owned a PAM22BT before, now is the time to own one!
        "Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana."
        --Groucho Marx--

        *For faster response, pls direct all questions to my email: thanks!


        • #79
          Originally posted by Fred_Tan View Post
          That price never changed hand, believe me.
          Over here when we say pricing, we refer to done deal price...not posted price.
          Some1 posted in Paneristi in Apr 2008 asking for SGD40k for a PAM127E..
          Does that mean PAM127E hit 40K?

          The same good fella posted again e next week asking for SGD45k PAM217H....

          He then posted SGD28K for a 249I the next mth in May.......

          He has no pics...someone later finds out that he's just helping an irresponsible trader who's no longer in this business here to push up e price as every time we call him, he says e watch is already onhold.

          The funny thing is e watch is already onhold 60s after it was posted as we called him very e moment e 3rd watch (249) was posted.

          We reported him & his IP was banned 4ever....and the trader has lost his previlage to post in Paneristi as well & lost his business as a result.

          Recently we also monitoring another trader here in Spore who always say his watch is sold or taken or onhold moments after he posted....he's being investigated for spurring right now....

          My point is I only note down price that really changed hands by discussing with fella traders here on weekly basis. I visit em often & talk to em all e time.
          We know e price that really got executed.

          So when u see a 13+k 115, do u really believe that it was sold even when the thread indicate so?
          Dun just look at threads...
          They can be severely misleading.
          A 5980/1A was posted for SGD106,500K 1.5 years ago.
          What happened?
          I went w e buyer & met e seller.
          The deal was done at just SGD75k.

          Maybe the seller is ur fren.
          But even then, how do u knoe he really received 13+k.
          He could boast he got it, right? When in actual fact he only got 10k?

          Take my word, if anyone paid above 10k for a new 115 a year or two ago, he did a lot of charity...or he was cheated by a grey dealer like me
          I do not know these 2 seller, I do not know if they know each other or who do they know.

          Why will 2 seller "fire blank" on 115 pricing ?

          Yes agree with you - do not trust anyone.

          If you said that your have an Excel that keep track of pricing, maybe can share with us how it is done ? Do all watch go thru you ? Do buyer or seller update you ? Even if yes, are you there to witness it ?

          A few member pointed out that in fact price have drop for their watch.
          Your answer and reason - NO, other over paid ?

          You said if make mistake must learn.... but ......

          Really have to give u a . - never said die.


          • #80
            Originally posted by Fred_Tan View Post
            But with all watches going away from puny size and thin thicknesss and ultra complications, will it come a day
            when small, thin and less parts or jewels will make a comeback?
            actually, just my own thoughts la. I believe there will always be mkt for big watches, as well as for small watches de.

            don flame me hor...
            I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


            • #81
              trade secret

              Originally posted by Rolex48 View Post
              I do not know these 2 seller, I do not know if they know each other or who do they know.

              Why will 2 seller "fire blank" on 115 pricing ?

              Yes agree with you - do not trust anyone.

              If you said that your have an Excel that keep track of pricing, maybe can share with us how it is done ? Do all watch go thru you ? Do buyer or seller update you ? Even if yes, are you there to witness it ?

              A few member pointed out that in fact price have drop for their watch.
              Your answer and reason - NO, other over paid ?

              You said if make mistake must learn.... but ......

              Really have to give u a . - never said die.
              The excel is my livelihood, so sorry cannot share lar.
              For traders, keeping track of pricings is paramount...
              Suffice to say others keep track of me & I on others...
              Costings in customs, import, profit sharing fees, decision to buy, investment to flip or not, can sell or not, flippability and etc...
              So we keep track of each others transacted price....happens during a cuppa...and in many cases we just sms or call each other...

              To track prices using WTS asking & WTB bid price is very misleading.
              And to just take someone else word that he sold or his fren buy a watch for this price is just simply not acceptable to traders as we know ppl tend to boast that they bought at lower price and sellers tend to boast the sell high.

              Not all WTS & WTB post are closed; meaning they are never sold.
              Not all WTS & WTB are real; they could be spurring.

              That's the grey-traders have to take care of each other & share our knowledge....I cannot remember how much Trader A sold his Alinghi recently.
              I cannot remember all watch model's trade closing price.
              We cannot be expert on all models & track all prices as there are hundreds of transactions in Spore every week.
              So, we always call / sms / email each other to get e last transacted price.

              And, we cannot share this with members of public.
              If u look at PuristSPro, TZ &, mart price listing by members are strictly prohibited.

              Again, based on these transacted trackings, rare & popular models price for PAM didn't come down at all during this downturn, period.
              With same trackings, popular & rare PAM price are beginning to go up since mid-09.
              Also, with same trackings, unpopular PAM models are still sliding in transacted price.

              This is what I track & what I know is the truth & not heresay & romours with unsubstantiated data like some here propagate.


              • #82
                Originally posted by Fred_Tan View Post
                The excel is my livelihood, so sorry cannot share lar.
                For traders, keeping track of pricings is paramount...
                Suffice to say others keep track of me & I on others...
                Costings in customs, import, profit sharing fees, decision to buy, investment to flip or not, can sell or not, flippability and etc...
                So we keep track of each others transacted price....happens during a cuppa...and in many cases we just sms or call each other...
                Wow i do learn new thing. Wonder is there a "leader" in the dealer group?
                Is this how the price of resale watch is control ?

                Can throw some light ? Wonder why only Rolex, Panerai and PP hold value. Is this the reason ?

                Thanks for sharing


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Rolex48 View Post
                  Wow i do learn new thing. Wonder is there a "leader" in the dealer group?
                  Is this how the price of resale watch is control ?

                  Can throw some light ? Wonder why only Rolex, Panerai and PP hold value. Is this the reason ?

                  Thanks for sharing
                  In my opinion, any watch and any brand has the potential to hold it's value.
                  As long as there are people who are willing to pay, and it is consistent. There will be a value.

                  If today, everyone stop buying Rolex or Panerai. I mean really STOP buying. It will be worth nothing.


                  • #84
                    No lar....we dun control price

                    Originally posted by Rolex48 View Post
                    Wow i do learn new thing. Wonder is there a "leader" in the dealer group?
                    Is this how the price of resale watch is control ?

                    Can throw some light ? Wonder why only Rolex, Panerai and PP hold value. Is this the reason ?

                    Thanks for sharing

                    We are not cartels as we cannot control supply & demand.
                    We just wanna make sure we dun embarass ourselves by putting e wrong pice, LOL.
                    No leader.
                    No control.
                    Just pure info sharing..
                    Example, if trader ABC posted SGD7.1k asking for a BNIB 176L few mths ago.
                    And he couldn't sell even after 2-3 mths.
                    I call him & ask how low he can go....
                    He says' 6.75k.
                    So, when I get my 176L next mth for example, I can post lower ask of say 6.9k and will close e deal if some1 offer me say,'s that?

                    This information sharing is due to too many models in e mart & too many brands.
                    I only know a few models for PAM & I dunno nuts about other brands.
                    Each trader oso expert on few models & brands.
                    Some traders are more established & in e mart for many many years & they know much much much more than me & I refer to em more than they refer to me....
                    They help me a lot...


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by triton View Post
                      will i get to buy pam 233 @ 14.5k below? last year want to buy 16k. now i heard 14.5k can buy. if can hor, 1.5k savings. can buy more straps.
                      So have you bought it yet?


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by patricia View Post
                        Agree with you bro
                        This is a free market,if you like the watch and can afford it,then just buy.
                        If cant afford it then too bad.

                        I noticed exxondus is keen on a 312K?Wonder if you have actually bought one of it to show off since the price has dropped to $8.8K.Or are you waiting for it to fall even lower?

                        Salute to all grey dealers.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by patricia View Post
                          This is a free market,if you like the watch and can afford it,then just buy.
                          If cant afford it then too bad.

                          I noticed exxondus is keen on a 312K?Wonder if you have actually bought one of it to show off since the price has dropped to $8.8K.Or are you waiting for it to fall even lower?

                          Salute to all grey dealers.
                          no man, even if its 6k, which will never happen, haha....I oso wont be able to afford at the moment, at least till, if I lucky, year end haha....

                          but still very keen on that. love the clean dial and no cyclops over the date and the fiddy like casing in 44mm instead of 47mm.

                          to be honest, many a times I ever tht of selling my gmtiic to fund for the 312haha but so far held back cos still like my gmtiic is really hard when you have to make choices. sigh...
                          I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


                          • #88
                            Hope u kena Toto, 4D, promotion, big bonus & increments...

                            Originally posted by exxondus View Post
                            no man, even if its 6k, which will never happen, haha....I oso wont be able to afford at the moment, at least till, if I lucky, year end haha....

                            but still very keen on that. love the clean dial and no cyclops over the date and the fiddy like casing in 44mm instead of 47mm.

                            to be honest, many a times I ever tht of selling my gmtiic to fund for the 312haha but so far held back cos still like my gmtiic is really hard when you have to make choices. sigh...
                            May u have more $ to buy big condos, cars, country club memberships and many many good watches......Patek oso bery cheap now


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by exxondus View Post
                              no man, even if its 6k, which will never happen, haha....I oso wont be able to afford at the moment, at least till, if I lucky, year end haha....

                              but still very keen on that. love the clean dial and no cyclops over the date and the fiddy like casing in 44mm instead of 47mm.

                              to be honest, many a times I ever tht of selling my gmtiic to fund for the 312haha but so far held back cos still like my gmtiic is really hard when you have to make choices. sigh...
                              Wait long maybe have.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by patricia View Post
                                Wait long maybe have.
                                heh, if 312 really got at 6k, I will most prob be too worried to buy from that guy also

                                thats how weird we human beings sometimes are (or maybe its just me). Too ex cant afford, too cheap, worry its fake
                                I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


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