Part 2
10th Nov 2017: Email from Panerai:
Dear Mr XXXXX,
We are pleased to inform that the reparation of your timepiece has been completed and is ready for collection at your earliest convenience.
Should you not be able to collect your product in person, please provide an authorization letter and a copy of your legal identification document for the person, which is foreseen to collect your productâ€
Into the car and to the Boutique again. What will be wrong this time? Watch will fall apart as soon as I use the mono-pusher button?
I arrived at the Boutique and entered the room. The Boutique Manager came upfront and told me “Sorry, but we have a problem to open our safe. A technical Expert has been informed to solve the problem and I should come in 90 Minutes againâ€. Oh well, what should I do in the next 90 minutes? Go to the Rolex store and buy a proper working watch instead
Back to the store to pick up the watch, no scratches at the Bezel and no scratches on the case either. But hold on, how could this be? The watch should have a lovely, fat, deep and for free Panerai Service Center scratch between 4 and 5 o’clock.
What did happen? And yes, my nightmare become true – they polished my watch, even without my approval! At that moment the world did fall apart again.
I asked the Boutique Manager how this could happen and he told me that I approved the polish procedure. I told him that I did not and showed him all of my Panerai papers within the last couple of months. There was never ever any approval for polishing the case.
Well, he did apologize again and I left the store with a “****ed up†Panerai Watch. Bezel replaced, Case polished and 3 times reassembled. Where is the joy to wear such a fake watch, assembled by replacement parts?
At least I was feeling happy to have sold my PAM212 and PAM141 already.
30th Nov 2017: I did try to wind up the power reserve linear hand and it stopped at 6 days, again! How could that be? It has been in holy holy holy Switzerland for 14 weeks to get repaired. Or maybe not?
So I have sent an email to the Panerai Concierge Service in Europe to find out what is going on. A couple of days I received some feedback, in German:
Sehr geehrter Herr XXXXX,
herzlichen Dank für Ihre Geduld.
Unsere zuständige Abteilung hat bereits recherchiert jedoch können wir anhand Ihrer Nummern nur eine Reparatur nach XXXXXXXXXXX verfolgen.
Könnten Sie uns freundlicherweise bestätigen, in welchem Land/ Markt Sie Ihren Zeitmesser für eine Reparatur eingereicht haben?“
In other words: they can see that I have given the watch to my local Boutique for Service, but cannot confirm the watch has ever been in Switzerland, yet.
8th Dec 2017: Another Email from the Concierge Service in Europe:
“Sehr geehrter Herr XXXXX,
herzlichen Dank für Ihre Geduld.
Auf diesem Wege möchten wir Sie fragen, ob Sie zurzeit in Deutschland wohnhaft sind oder uns freundlicherweise eine Anschrift in Deutschland mitteilen können?
Dann kann unser zuständiges Service Center eine Abholung Ihres Zeitmessers veranlassen“
They ask me if I live in Germany and would be able to share my address with them. They would like to pick up my watch for Service….
I did send another email to Panerai/Richemont to explain the whole topic, again.
13th Dec 2017: Email from Richemont Northern Europe:
"Sehr geehrter Herr XXXXX,
ich nehme Bezug auf Ihre Beschwerde an unser Kundencenter. Wir verstehen Ihren Unmut über die bisherige Situation und die Geschichte Ihrer Uhr. Ich habe heute Morgen mit XXXXX telefoniert um mich auf den aktuellen Stand der Dinge bringen zu lassen.
Die Aussage die Uhr war NIE in der Schweiz ist falsch. Diese hat bereits die Manufaktur dort besucht. Meine Kollegen haben mir mitgeteilt dass Sie aktuell die Lautstärke Ihres Lünettenklickringes stört. Wir möchten versuchen die Probleme schnell und unkompliziert zu lösen, können Sie mir kurz die aktuell auftretenden Probleme bei Ihrer PAM00311 schildern?
Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe, und zögern Sie nicht uns zu kontaktieren falls Sie noch Fragen haben.
Mit vielen Grüßen
xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx
Teamleiter Customer Service | Richemont Northern Europe GmbHâ€
They have called my local Boutique to get further details about the problem. In addition, they confirm the watch has been in Switzerland for Service. (Than why the same problem still?)
My local Boutique told Richemont Northern Europe that I have trouble with the click of the bezel (Lünettenklickringes)
Oh well, I wonder if the Team leader of Customer Service has ever hold a PAM311 in his hands. Click of Bezel, so funny….
He asked me as well to explain all the problems, again.
15th Dec 2017: Email from Richemont Nothern Europe again:
“Sehr geehrter Herr XXXXX,
ich verstehe Ihre Unzufriedenheit. Im Grunde genommen bin ich nicht Ihr Ansprechpartner, aber um eine zufriedenstellende Lösung für alle Parteien zu finden bemühe ich mich gerne die entstandenen Probleme zu lösen. Ich habe nur eine Frage an Sie, inwiefern die Uhr nicht läuft nach der Intervention der Schweiz? Ist die Gangreserveanzeige immer noch nicht funktionabel? Der Vorfall mit der Politur ist sehr ärgerlich und soweit nicht zu entschuldigen.
Parallel zu meiner Email habe ich bereits die Manufaktur kontaktiert bezüglich den verwendeten Ersatzteile für die Reparatur Ihrer Uhr vor Ort. Zusätzlich möchte unser Panerai Uhrmachermeister Ihnen auch gerne anbieten diese nochmal in unserem Haus unter die Lupe zu nehmen.
Wir werden uns um eine schnelle und zufriedenstellende Lösung bemühen. Ich bedanke mich für Ihre Antwort im Voraus und wünsche Ihnen einen erfolgreichen Rest der Woche.
Falls Sie noch Fragen haben, zögern Sie nicht uns zu kontaktieren.
Mit vielen Grüßen"
He is trying hard to solve the problem and he apologize for the not approved polishing of the case. He will try to get some replacement parts for my watch to guarantee a proper repair at my local Panerai Service Center.
29th Dec 2017: Email from my beloved local Boutique:
"Good day.
We thank you for your email and patience.
From the Boutique level, in our absence, we checked with our Swiss Manufacturer and they have reverted.
On your concerns, please allow us to address it accordingly:
1. We apologize for proceeding with the dial replacement, thou it was provided as complimentary. Indeed, we only had our client’s best interest in mind, in their benefit.
2. On its polishing concern, our Manufacturer have confirmed that no polishing was done, as we had alerted them on your request. Hence, only cleaning was done on your timepiece.
Thou it was stated on the Billing summary upon your collection, it was omitted to be removed on our end. Again, we apologize for the error, and only to cause anxiety to you.
3. Lastly, regards to the “Automatic clicking soundâ€, our Manufacturer urged for your timepiece to be transferred back to them. For their further investigate for analysis, and to enlighten the concern.
From the view of the Service Center and our Swiss Manufacturer, they want to ensure that the timepiece is returned back to client in a good working order, internally and externally.
We trust that this information meets your needs and remain at your disposal, should you have any other enquiries or require further details.
We look forward to your favourable reply.
Again, thank you and wishing you and family a Merry Xmas and Happy 2018 ahead."
They write no polishing has been done but only cleaning instead. (Which is not true, it has been polished)
And, the watch needs to go back to Switzerland again, another Service is calling.
To be continued….
I am not sure what I should say but such a bad service should not exist. If I would deliver such service to my customers, I would be gone by now and kicked out by my company. We don’t talk about a 100 Euro watch from China, we talk about an 18.000 Euro time piece from holy Switzerland with highly paid managers and watchmakers.
I did try to contact my local Panerai Brand Manager or even the Big Boss Lady from Richemont in my country. Unfortunately, without any luck. I assume they are too busy to buy proper watches during Xmas time. Like for example watches from Rolex or Patek, but for sure not from Panerai.
I have given a perfect working watch without any damage or scratches to Panerai for a simple Service. And now, nearly 12 months later I wear a Rolex Daytona on my wrist.
The PAM311 has received a new dial, new hands, new barrels, new bezel, a complete polish without my approval and got reassembled 5 times so far. And the watch is still not working and somewhere between Timbuktu and the Moon to wait for another Service.
The watch does not belong to me anymore and I will have no pleasure to wear it. Panerai/Richemont has taken my watch apart, including all the history and experience that I had with that watch! And I paid 800 USD to get trash back, thank you Panerai and Richemont….never again.
Before Service:

After Service:
10th Nov 2017: Email from Panerai:
Dear Mr XXXXX,
We are pleased to inform that the reparation of your timepiece has been completed and is ready for collection at your earliest convenience.
Should you not be able to collect your product in person, please provide an authorization letter and a copy of your legal identification document for the person, which is foreseen to collect your productâ€
Into the car and to the Boutique again. What will be wrong this time? Watch will fall apart as soon as I use the mono-pusher button?
I arrived at the Boutique and entered the room. The Boutique Manager came upfront and told me “Sorry, but we have a problem to open our safe. A technical Expert has been informed to solve the problem and I should come in 90 Minutes againâ€. Oh well, what should I do in the next 90 minutes? Go to the Rolex store and buy a proper working watch instead

Back to the store to pick up the watch, no scratches at the Bezel and no scratches on the case either. But hold on, how could this be? The watch should have a lovely, fat, deep and for free Panerai Service Center scratch between 4 and 5 o’clock.
What did happen? And yes, my nightmare become true – they polished my watch, even without my approval! At that moment the world did fall apart again.
I asked the Boutique Manager how this could happen and he told me that I approved the polish procedure. I told him that I did not and showed him all of my Panerai papers within the last couple of months. There was never ever any approval for polishing the case.
Well, he did apologize again and I left the store with a “****ed up†Panerai Watch. Bezel replaced, Case polished and 3 times reassembled. Where is the joy to wear such a fake watch, assembled by replacement parts?
At least I was feeling happy to have sold my PAM212 and PAM141 already.
30th Nov 2017: I did try to wind up the power reserve linear hand and it stopped at 6 days, again! How could that be? It has been in holy holy holy Switzerland for 14 weeks to get repaired. Or maybe not?
So I have sent an email to the Panerai Concierge Service in Europe to find out what is going on. A couple of days I received some feedback, in German:
Sehr geehrter Herr XXXXX,
herzlichen Dank für Ihre Geduld.
Unsere zuständige Abteilung hat bereits recherchiert jedoch können wir anhand Ihrer Nummern nur eine Reparatur nach XXXXXXXXXXX verfolgen.
Könnten Sie uns freundlicherweise bestätigen, in welchem Land/ Markt Sie Ihren Zeitmesser für eine Reparatur eingereicht haben?“
In other words: they can see that I have given the watch to my local Boutique for Service, but cannot confirm the watch has ever been in Switzerland, yet.
8th Dec 2017: Another Email from the Concierge Service in Europe:
“Sehr geehrter Herr XXXXX,
herzlichen Dank für Ihre Geduld.
Auf diesem Wege möchten wir Sie fragen, ob Sie zurzeit in Deutschland wohnhaft sind oder uns freundlicherweise eine Anschrift in Deutschland mitteilen können?
Dann kann unser zuständiges Service Center eine Abholung Ihres Zeitmessers veranlassen“
They ask me if I live in Germany and would be able to share my address with them. They would like to pick up my watch for Service….
I did send another email to Panerai/Richemont to explain the whole topic, again.
13th Dec 2017: Email from Richemont Northern Europe:
"Sehr geehrter Herr XXXXX,
ich nehme Bezug auf Ihre Beschwerde an unser Kundencenter. Wir verstehen Ihren Unmut über die bisherige Situation und die Geschichte Ihrer Uhr. Ich habe heute Morgen mit XXXXX telefoniert um mich auf den aktuellen Stand der Dinge bringen zu lassen.
Die Aussage die Uhr war NIE in der Schweiz ist falsch. Diese hat bereits die Manufaktur dort besucht. Meine Kollegen haben mir mitgeteilt dass Sie aktuell die Lautstärke Ihres Lünettenklickringes stört. Wir möchten versuchen die Probleme schnell und unkompliziert zu lösen, können Sie mir kurz die aktuell auftretenden Probleme bei Ihrer PAM00311 schildern?
Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe, und zögern Sie nicht uns zu kontaktieren falls Sie noch Fragen haben.
Mit vielen Grüßen
xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx
Teamleiter Customer Service | Richemont Northern Europe GmbHâ€
They have called my local Boutique to get further details about the problem. In addition, they confirm the watch has been in Switzerland for Service. (Than why the same problem still?)
My local Boutique told Richemont Northern Europe that I have trouble with the click of the bezel (Lünettenklickringes)
Oh well, I wonder if the Team leader of Customer Service has ever hold a PAM311 in his hands. Click of Bezel, so funny….
He asked me as well to explain all the problems, again.
15th Dec 2017: Email from Richemont Nothern Europe again:
“Sehr geehrter Herr XXXXX,
ich verstehe Ihre Unzufriedenheit. Im Grunde genommen bin ich nicht Ihr Ansprechpartner, aber um eine zufriedenstellende Lösung für alle Parteien zu finden bemühe ich mich gerne die entstandenen Probleme zu lösen. Ich habe nur eine Frage an Sie, inwiefern die Uhr nicht läuft nach der Intervention der Schweiz? Ist die Gangreserveanzeige immer noch nicht funktionabel? Der Vorfall mit der Politur ist sehr ärgerlich und soweit nicht zu entschuldigen.
Parallel zu meiner Email habe ich bereits die Manufaktur kontaktiert bezüglich den verwendeten Ersatzteile für die Reparatur Ihrer Uhr vor Ort. Zusätzlich möchte unser Panerai Uhrmachermeister Ihnen auch gerne anbieten diese nochmal in unserem Haus unter die Lupe zu nehmen.
Wir werden uns um eine schnelle und zufriedenstellende Lösung bemühen. Ich bedanke mich für Ihre Antwort im Voraus und wünsche Ihnen einen erfolgreichen Rest der Woche.
Falls Sie noch Fragen haben, zögern Sie nicht uns zu kontaktieren.
Mit vielen Grüßen"
He is trying hard to solve the problem and he apologize for the not approved polishing of the case. He will try to get some replacement parts for my watch to guarantee a proper repair at my local Panerai Service Center.
29th Dec 2017: Email from my beloved local Boutique:
"Good day.
We thank you for your email and patience.
From the Boutique level, in our absence, we checked with our Swiss Manufacturer and they have reverted.
On your concerns, please allow us to address it accordingly:
1. We apologize for proceeding with the dial replacement, thou it was provided as complimentary. Indeed, we only had our client’s best interest in mind, in their benefit.
2. On its polishing concern, our Manufacturer have confirmed that no polishing was done, as we had alerted them on your request. Hence, only cleaning was done on your timepiece.
Thou it was stated on the Billing summary upon your collection, it was omitted to be removed on our end. Again, we apologize for the error, and only to cause anxiety to you.
3. Lastly, regards to the “Automatic clicking soundâ€, our Manufacturer urged for your timepiece to be transferred back to them. For their further investigate for analysis, and to enlighten the concern.
From the view of the Service Center and our Swiss Manufacturer, they want to ensure that the timepiece is returned back to client in a good working order, internally and externally.
We trust that this information meets your needs and remain at your disposal, should you have any other enquiries or require further details.
We look forward to your favourable reply.
Again, thank you and wishing you and family a Merry Xmas and Happy 2018 ahead."
They write no polishing has been done but only cleaning instead. (Which is not true, it has been polished)
And, the watch needs to go back to Switzerland again, another Service is calling.
To be continued….
I am not sure what I should say but such a bad service should not exist. If I would deliver such service to my customers, I would be gone by now and kicked out by my company. We don’t talk about a 100 Euro watch from China, we talk about an 18.000 Euro time piece from holy Switzerland with highly paid managers and watchmakers.
I did try to contact my local Panerai Brand Manager or even the Big Boss Lady from Richemont in my country. Unfortunately, without any luck. I assume they are too busy to buy proper watches during Xmas time. Like for example watches from Rolex or Patek, but for sure not from Panerai.
I have given a perfect working watch without any damage or scratches to Panerai for a simple Service. And now, nearly 12 months later I wear a Rolex Daytona on my wrist.
The PAM311 has received a new dial, new hands, new barrels, new bezel, a complete polish without my approval and got reassembled 5 times so far. And the watch is still not working and somewhere between Timbuktu and the Moon to wait for another Service.
The watch does not belong to me anymore and I will have no pleasure to wear it. Panerai/Richemont has taken my watch apart, including all the history and experience that I had with that watch! And I paid 800 USD to get trash back, thank you Panerai and Richemont….never again.
Before Service:

After Service:
