上两回,为佐“追捕”“精精水怪”搞到筋疲力尽,这一次要追下一只“水怪”更加难,因为市面上现在已经几乎 少见“獠牙水怪”的行踪。
I got myself exhausted on both time and effort in the last 2 adventure chasing after the MONSTERs. This time round, to hunt for another MONSTER is more difficult, as the sight of the MONSTERs with FANGs are getting more and more rare in the market.
这一次就转移目标,捕捉比较简单既。。。 黑身迷你“金枪鱼”!
This time round in my hunting trip, i go for a more easy target... the mini black TUNA!

SRP231, 黑皮“迷你金枪鱼”
依只“迷你金枪”既时标,一块一块的,犹如一粒一粒磨平又以金片“护牙”既白牙。一D都唔叫人害怕接近,反 而几有趣。在与黑色表盘摆系一齐,对比度更加妙!
The indexes on this MINI TUNA, looks like flattened teeth, piece by piece protected by gold frames. Not a single impression of harm, but more interesting to get closer. Put together with the black dial, more uniqueness in contrast.

When the droid meet the traditional mechanical

搭载可截秒4R36 每钟2万1频 机芯
With hackable 4R36 21kbph movement.
Looking back at my SEIKO watches collection, this MINI TUNA is the third mechanical deep depth diver watch added in, and it will not be the last.

Soft tightness, comfortable grip Rotational Bezel

又大,握感好,可锁入表冠, 够粗,手指皮厚的人,都能感受得到。
Large and comfortable Screw In Crown, even those whose fingers are thick skinned, can have a good feel.
Without further ado, more pictures!

I got myself exhausted on both time and effort in the last 2 adventure chasing after the MONSTERs. This time round, to hunt for another MONSTER is more difficult, as the sight of the MONSTERs with FANGs are getting more and more rare in the market.
这一次就转移目标,捕捉比较简单既。。。 黑身迷你“金枪鱼”!
This time round in my hunting trip, i go for a more easy target... the mini black TUNA!

SRP231, 黑皮“迷你金枪鱼”
依只“迷你金枪”既时标,一块一块的,犹如一粒一粒磨平又以金片“护牙”既白牙。一D都唔叫人害怕接近,反 而几有趣。在与黑色表盘摆系一齐,对比度更加妙!
The indexes on this MINI TUNA, looks like flattened teeth, piece by piece protected by gold frames. Not a single impression of harm, but more interesting to get closer. Put together with the black dial, more uniqueness in contrast.

When the droid meet the traditional mechanical

搭载可截秒4R36 每钟2万1频 机芯
With hackable 4R36 21kbph movement.
Looking back at my SEIKO watches collection, this MINI TUNA is the third mechanical deep depth diver watch added in, and it will not be the last.

Soft tightness, comfortable grip Rotational Bezel

又大,握感好,可锁入表冠, 够粗,手指皮厚的人,都能感受得到。
Large and comfortable Screw In Crown, even those whose fingers are thick skinned, can have a good feel.
Without further ado, more pictures!