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[010513 New Add'n]- [ORIENT]- an ORIENT, a 1st in life!

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  • [010513 New Add'n]- [ORIENT]- an ORIENT, a 1st in life!

    一生中,第一只东方表。。。唔。。。系。。。 唔系出产自东方既大陆表,系出自日本既东方表。
    In my life, a first watch from the ORIENT... no... ...not a chinese watch from the ORIENTS, it's the one from ORIENTAL JAPAN.

    今日系五一劳动节,本来想出外食一大餐慰劳自己,最后都系俾自己买个纪念品。经过海鸥表专柜,俾佢地既M1 82sk镂空表吸引到,本来想入手果只红针,红时标款,点知佢地无货。。。就搭巴士去另外经常光顾既表行, 打包依只想入手以耐既玫瑰金表壳BAMBINO。
    Today is the annual Labour Day. Initially wanted to have a big meal outside to reward myself. In the end, decides to get myself a souvenir. Passed by a SEAGULL showroom, got attracted by their skeleton M182sk, wanted to get one with the red markers and hands, unfortunately, they ran out of stocks for that... well, i went ahead to another frequent watch shop, bagged this Rose Gold Case, hands and markers black dial BAMBINO which i had been wanting to add to my collection.
    深入回顾,自我开始由第一只机械表开始,就是精工。记得当时既东方表,外观上都比较不比精工来得好睇,尤其 系十多年前既果D三星款。。。带上手,简直唔衬当时年轻的我。依家,年纪大佐,对于手表的外观也就唔再停留 系流线型时尚感强烈既设计。经典设计如天梭VISIODATE,东方BAMBINO,就更快成为我想收集既 表款。
    Trying hard to recall back, from the first mechanical watch which i had bought that starts my watch collection hobby, is a SEIKO. During that time, watches by ORIENT, in appearance, lacks of appeal to me when compared to SEIKO then. Especially on their 3 STAR range of watches that were released more than 10yrs ago... when put on to my wrist, doesn't matches well to the 20plus age of me that time. Now, as i get older, towards the design of other dress watches in the market, do not stays on the sleek designs which attracts me strongly then. Classic design with vintage looks, like TISSOT's VISIODATE and ORIENT BAMBINO immediately turns into the type which i want to add to my collection.

    一眼由远处一睇,凸出高高既表镜,无夜光涂层既时标,同埋经典尖尖既时,分针,即刻带出欧式经 典设计风格。
    From far, the highly raised convex crystal, non lumed hands and markers, with addition to the sharp hour and minute hands, brings out the most of classic european design styling.

    近睇,同天梭VISIODATE唔同既,系其表盘上印的字样,全部采用古典字样,更加强化经典 设计的印象。
    When looked closely, compares to the VISIODATE, especially the calligraphic words used on the dial, strengthens the impression of immediate classic styling.
    依只BAMBINO设计,做工,一滴都唔会输俾欧洲大牌。其销售价更系入门级玩家唔得错过既一款!想买只能 够带上手,顶得潮流洗礼的设计,选依个系列任何一款绝对唔会错!
    No matter on the design, workmanship, this BAMBINO won't loose out to big european labels in the market. The price tag that comes with it, is one that must not be missed by the new hobbyist in watch collecting from the entry level! For those who're hunting for a timepiece when put on wrist, that could take challenges against time of fashion styling, this is a series that one should not miss!

    Without further ado... more pics to share with all!

    Detail signature on the crown...

    Classic Raised Crystal

    Classic Design, Classic Wares...

  • #2
    One word: 'swee!'

    Understand there are 3 colors yah? But this is a great choice!

    Can share where to buy them? Thinking of getting a pair for my wife n myself.


    • #3
      Originally posted by leoric79 View Post
      ...Understand there are 3 colors yah? But this is a great choice!...
      Case variants, yes there are 3. Stainless Steel, Yellow Gold and ROSE GOLD.
      Then when you split it to 2 different dials... cream white and black, you get 6 variants!
      For the RG case one that i get, i paid 21x @ Bencoolen. Mustafa sells the RG case variants @ 235.


      • #4
        I owned the rose gold cream dial variant for about 8 mths. Nice wrist presence and very vintage + classic looking, indeed. But the fit and finish is mediocre (probably acceptable at this price range). Sold mine recently to a colleague who loves it much much like the Author (a Hong Kong guy, I suppose).


        • #5
          Originally posted by hchj View Post
          ...Sold mine recently to a colleague who loves it much much like the Author (a Hong Kong guy, I suppose).
          :curious:... ???
          Ehh... me? No la... I'm a TEOCHEW ley... been living in Whampoa Bendemeer area for more than 20yrs liao... definitely not HongKonger, who're are much fairer in complexion...


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