It's "Bachelor's day" today!
原来甘既日子系中国大陆已经存在多时,小弟真系孤陋寡闻,直到寻日听广播才知。。。哈。。。 (^O^)
So... such an occasion had been exist in Mainland China for a certain time. And it's embarrassing that, until i overheard the mention of such days over radio broadcast, i'm still ignorant about that. Haaa~~~ (^O^)

光棍日要“脱光”,即系脱离光棍,单身者身份。可惜呀。。。小弟仍是半只他人既手无托到,唯有今日“脱光” 身上既包袱。。。银子即也。。。俾自己添些小小亮光。
In Bachelor's day, it's suggestible to "loose it". As in loosing the identity of being a single. It's a pity... I'm still not attached to any ladies out there.
So the only thing i can "loose" today, shall be that little burden on me... loosing a little cash... in exchange for the glitters of blings to shine the lonely night.

想黎想去,睇黎睇去,唔知要选麽款。最后想到2013年东方表出个白面玫瑰红金罗曼字体既Bambino款 ,一直觉得同果个不锈钢表壳唔对衬。
Looking around, thinking about, i'm lost on which to choose. In the end, the 2013 Bambino release with silk white dial, Roman Indices in Rose Gold from ORIENT came to mind, which i often felt that the dial does not justify the SS case treatment.

就一口气打包,果只,同埋2012年红金壳,白面红金时标款。想着一年后,保修期一过,就拎果两只表揾整表 师傅做个换壳不换芯,俾自己黎个他人无既特别版!哈~~ (^O^)
So, i pulled the trigger, bagged the 2013 release, as well as the 2012 Rose Gold case with silk white dial. Having in mind that after the warranty expires, i shall bring the 2, and look for a watchmaker for a big exchange later. Giving myself a Special Edition which others may not have. Haa~~ (^O^)

I believe most of the members should be familiar with the 2 2012 Bambinos i got earlier, and with those little review, i shall not make any further close up look on those.
The 2013 model that i got today, i believe fellow folks here wouldn't feel strange either. Instead, i think it had caught lots of attentions from the collectors.

2013 同 2012年Bambino最大既分别,除佐表盘设计,时分针既粗细,表冠也变得比较贴切经典设计。
The biggest difference between the 2013 and 2012 Bambinos falls on the dial design, as well as the size of the hands, so as the crown, which is more closer to vintage theme design.
I like the 2013 crown design particularly. Even if my nail is cut way too short, i can still pull out the crown with the flesh around the nails.

两只表摆系一齐,我留意到2013年款配置既深褐朱古力表带,比2012年款配置既深褐黑咖啡 色泽黎得浅。
When the 2 watches are placed together, i noticed that the dark brown strap is some kind of lighter than the 2012 model that's more close to dark brown coffee.
I shall put it on for a couple of few more days, then i shall decide whether to make that small exchange of straps for start.

It's "Bachelor's day" today!
原来甘既日子系中国大陆已经存在多时,小弟真系孤陋寡闻,直到寻日听广播才知。。。哈。。。 (^O^)
So... such an occasion had been exist in Mainland China for a certain time. And it's embarrassing that, until i overheard the mention of such days over radio broadcast, i'm still ignorant about that. Haaa~~~ (^O^)

光棍日要“脱光”,即系脱离光棍,单身者身份。可惜呀。。。小弟仍是半只他人既手无托到,唯有今日“脱光” 身上既包袱。。。银子即也。。。俾自己添些小小亮光。
In Bachelor's day, it's suggestible to "loose it". As in loosing the identity of being a single. It's a pity... I'm still not attached to any ladies out there.
So the only thing i can "loose" today, shall be that little burden on me... loosing a little cash... in exchange for the glitters of blings to shine the lonely night.

想黎想去,睇黎睇去,唔知要选麽款。最后想到2013年东方表出个白面玫瑰红金罗曼字体既Bambino款 ,一直觉得同果个不锈钢表壳唔对衬。
Looking around, thinking about, i'm lost on which to choose. In the end, the 2013 Bambino release with silk white dial, Roman Indices in Rose Gold from ORIENT came to mind, which i often felt that the dial does not justify the SS case treatment.

就一口气打包,果只,同埋2012年红金壳,白面红金时标款。想着一年后,保修期一过,就拎果两只表揾整表 师傅做个换壳不换芯,俾自己黎个他人无既特别版!哈~~ (^O^)
So, i pulled the trigger, bagged the 2013 release, as well as the 2012 Rose Gold case with silk white dial. Having in mind that after the warranty expires, i shall bring the 2, and look for a watchmaker for a big exchange later. Giving myself a Special Edition which others may not have. Haa~~ (^O^)

I believe most of the members should be familiar with the 2 2012 Bambinos i got earlier, and with those little review, i shall not make any further close up look on those.
The 2013 model that i got today, i believe fellow folks here wouldn't feel strange either. Instead, i think it had caught lots of attentions from the collectors.

2013 同 2012年Bambino最大既分别,除佐表盘设计,时分针既粗细,表冠也变得比较贴切经典设计。
The biggest difference between the 2013 and 2012 Bambinos falls on the dial design, as well as the size of the hands, so as the crown, which is more closer to vintage theme design.
I like the 2013 crown design particularly. Even if my nail is cut way too short, i can still pull out the crown with the flesh around the nails.

两只表摆系一齐,我留意到2013年款配置既深褐朱古力表带,比2012年款配置既深褐黑咖啡 色泽黎得浅。
When the 2 watches are placed together, i noticed that the dark brown strap is some kind of lighter than the 2012 model that's more close to dark brown coffee.
I shall put it on for a couple of few more days, then i shall decide whether to make that small exchange of straps for start.
