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  • #16
    The price is right...

    I think there are broadly 2 kinds of watch owners even among IWC luvvers(but pls dun flame me) : one is the "money is no object" category and the other is where I belong in the "if the price is right" category. Blessed if you are rolling in "old" (inherited) money or able to make dough while the sun shines. But for my type of salaried man-in-the-street, I can only hope for a yearly bonus or makan "pek png cham jio cheng" for a year in order to obtain that Holy Grail. I cannot raise my pay much so I have to learn to live within my means. But that does not mean I cannot own a Rolly or afford to service one. So SG-ROC is velly important for me to be able to find advice about the prevailing market for my "babies" before I get burnt or burn more holes in my pocket than I can take.

    I admit that straight tallking words like "so cheap", "make cheaper" and "really cheapest" are words I used before at local ADs which got me rather low mileage. So I am still learning those more sikit atas words like "inexpensive", "affordable" and "comfortable". Even borderline words like "pricey", "steep", "high side" will earn me funny looks from some ADs. That's life lah!

    “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.”
    Abraham Lincoln (American 16th US President from1861-65, who brought about the emancipation of slavery from 1809-1865).

    “Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
    Watch your words, for they become actions.
    Watch your actions, for they become habits.
    Watch your habits, for they become character.
    Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”


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