"There's a whole sea of flowers out in the wild, why... just hang on to one"

依句话几熟喔。。。我地不时听他人讲,亦不时讲俾他人听。如果用系表既身上,我就不得不承认,我就系甘痴心 。。。尤其系对“红梅花”。
Sounds familiar huh... We keep hearing this from others, and in some occasions, we tell others. However, when using it on watches, i got to admit that i'm devoted... especially to the Red Blossoms.

今日朝早,经过一间表铺,就俾依只粘埋蓝胶片,金身,红梅花吸引到。心一急,就向老板借黎睇。老板讲系Ne w Old Stock,开价933蚊(大约5600港蚊)。
Passes by a watch shop this morning. Got attracted by a gold piece, with blue plastic films pasted all around, and a RED Blossom on the dial. I was so excited that i immediately ask the shop owner to bring out this piece from the show case. The seller claims that it's a New Old Stock, quote a price of SGD$933(which calculates around USD$720) with a year in-house warranty.
第一轮,虽然系NOS,甘既价钱唔系俾唔起,但,都唔算抵。我也即刻回绝表铺老板,唔讲价就离开表铺,食餐 早点,回想之前用几耐既时间揾到上一只红梅。。。
On this first round, even though it's a NOS, it's not that i couldn't pay for it, it's just too damn expensive. Without further bargaining, i rejected the seller, and left the shop for a meal of breakfast and recall how long did i spent on the previous RED Blossom i managed to get...
第二轮,行番屋企路中,经过表铺,老板就即刻招我入铺倾价。最后坳到818蚊,讨个好兆头,甘就入手佐。如 果大家觉得贵,我也有同感。但系,一想到上一朵红梅洗佐多年只揾到一只,今次就唔得放手啰。。 。
In this 2nd round, passes by the shop again while i was on my way back home, the seller saw me, and ask me in to negotiate. In the end, we came to a deal of $818, numbered for a good luck. Should anyone feels it too expensive even though knocking off 100, no doubt on that, i have the same thoughts. But when the memory of how long i spent to hunt for the last RED Blossom, i tell myself, i won't let it go this time...

经过多年时间既洗礼,只表一D都唔失其光彩。虽然同今时今日既其他表款相比较,无入水能游既防水规格,无出 水能跳既防震运动款表壳设计,无行街能撞既大表壳。。。 唔代表书生顶唔过武状元。
Even time had passed, this piece still hold it's charm. Although compare to other watches of current time, lack of deeper water resistance specification, lack of sporty shock resistant case design, lack of big and knock proof big case... it doesn't mean a gentleman couldn't throw his punch.
Typical dress watches of the 90s, will bear with these features

Smaller crowns

Thinner cases

Solid and all covered back case, hiding the TITONI embossed rotor away from view

设计简单,经典,又耐用既SNAP CLASP
Simple design, classic, and durable SNAP CLASP

今日有幸见到已经停产的小红梅既存在,亦能有幸戴只小红梅番去。。。 下一次,又唔知要用几年揾咧?
It's a pure luck today to encounter a TITONI with RED Blossom which is already no more in production, and a luck that i can bring it back. ...The next one, how long will i take to find one?
"There's a whole sea of flowers out in the wild, why... just hang on to one"

依句话几熟喔。。。我地不时听他人讲,亦不时讲俾他人听。如果用系表既身上,我就不得不承认,我就系甘痴心 。。。尤其系对“红梅花”。
Sounds familiar huh... We keep hearing this from others, and in some occasions, we tell others. However, when using it on watches, i got to admit that i'm devoted... especially to the Red Blossoms.

今日朝早,经过一间表铺,就俾依只粘埋蓝胶片,金身,红梅花吸引到。心一急,就向老板借黎睇。老板讲系Ne w Old Stock,开价933蚊(大约5600港蚊)。
Passes by a watch shop this morning. Got attracted by a gold piece, with blue plastic films pasted all around, and a RED Blossom on the dial. I was so excited that i immediately ask the shop owner to bring out this piece from the show case. The seller claims that it's a New Old Stock, quote a price of SGD$933(which calculates around USD$720) with a year in-house warranty.
第一轮,虽然系NOS,甘既价钱唔系俾唔起,但,都唔算抵。我也即刻回绝表铺老板,唔讲价就离开表铺,食餐 早点,回想之前用几耐既时间揾到上一只红梅。。。
On this first round, even though it's a NOS, it's not that i couldn't pay for it, it's just too damn expensive. Without further bargaining, i rejected the seller, and left the shop for a meal of breakfast and recall how long did i spent on the previous RED Blossom i managed to get...
第二轮,行番屋企路中,经过表铺,老板就即刻招我入铺倾价。最后坳到818蚊,讨个好兆头,甘就入手佐。如 果大家觉得贵,我也有同感。但系,一想到上一朵红梅洗佐多年只揾到一只,今次就唔得放手啰。。 。
In this 2nd round, passes by the shop again while i was on my way back home, the seller saw me, and ask me in to negotiate. In the end, we came to a deal of $818, numbered for a good luck. Should anyone feels it too expensive even though knocking off 100, no doubt on that, i have the same thoughts. But when the memory of how long i spent to hunt for the last RED Blossom, i tell myself, i won't let it go this time...

经过多年时间既洗礼,只表一D都唔失其光彩。虽然同今时今日既其他表款相比较,无入水能游既防水规格,无出 水能跳既防震运动款表壳设计,无行街能撞既大表壳。。。 唔代表书生顶唔过武状元。
Even time had passed, this piece still hold it's charm. Although compare to other watches of current time, lack of deeper water resistance specification, lack of sporty shock resistant case design, lack of big and knock proof big case... it doesn't mean a gentleman couldn't throw his punch.
Typical dress watches of the 90s, will bear with these features

Smaller crowns

Thinner cases

Solid and all covered back case, hiding the TITONI embossed rotor away from view

设计简单,经典,又耐用既SNAP CLASP
Simple design, classic, and durable SNAP CLASP

今日有幸见到已经停产的小红梅既存在,亦能有幸戴只小红梅番去。。。 下一次,又唔知要用几年揾咧?
It's a pure luck today to encounter a TITONI with RED Blossom which is already no more in production, and a luck that i can bring it back. ...The next one, how long will i take to find one?