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Advisory : Garage Rules and Regulations

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  • Advisory : Garage Rules and Regulations

    The purpose of the garage sales section is to allow members of the forum & forum commercial advertisers to sell, buy & trade interesting and collectible watches in the forum garage only

    Please note the 'fair use' of the forum's garage section. There are no easy rules for fair use - if you want to take advantage of its flexibility, you have to understand its complexities! (extracted from :

    The miscellaneous section is additional benefit for members of Singapore Rolex Club who want to buy/sell individual home products (non-living) and not commercial products and/or services.

    Rules :
    1. Please use the relevant sections for posting of item(s) for sale. All postings must include a price (inclusive of trade price) for each piece listed within. Other relevant information is encouraged to be listed.

      (1.1) Please use suitable thread title for sale of products such as Want To Sell/WantTrade/Buy. The use of Might Want To Sell/Trade/Buy is prohibited.

      (1.2) All sales threads MUST have a selling/trade price
      (1.2.1) For Want To Buy, a price and/or price range MUST be stated. Other information such as details of the items are encouraged to be posted.

      (1.3) Each Sale Thread (applicable to watch sale) can ONLY have 1 item for sale.

      (1.4) Please limit your updates ("ups" & "bump") to once a day (i.e. 24 hours per thread)

      (1.5) Each forum member is termed as a PRIVATE DEALER when there is more than 5 sale threads in Watch Trading Section (Private, Rolex, Panerai, Seiko & Other Watch, Straps, Watch Tools & Accessories). In this case, all the threads in Watch Trading Section will be moved to Private Dealer Section without prior notice. click here to read on how to locate your sales threads.

      (1.6) Each forum member is termed as a PRIVATE SELLER when there is only maximum of 5 sale threads in Watch Trading Section inclusive of sub forums.

      (1.7) For sellers with threads in Private Watch Dealer Garage & Watch Strap/Bracelet/Tools/Accessories (Non Advertiser/Private Seller), please limit updating (inclusive of creating new threads) to 5 sales threads per day(i.e. 24 hours) . Updating of threads with sold/traded/withdrawn search/bought/found is not considered as upping of threads. Penalties will be issued.

      (1.8) All sellers are required to update their sales thread regularly (within 6 months of last post update) by closing the thread by posting a reply indicating that the item has been Sold / Traded / Withdrawn or when requested by moderator(s) and/or administrator(s) to do so. Please update our sales threads in relation to thread content. Failure to do so will result in penalties issued. a post of "close threads or similar" without keywords will result in no action taken.

      (1.8.1) Access maybe restricted if sellers does not provide any updates on sales threads (including WTB) which have no updates.

      (1.9) Please do not open a new thread for the same item(s). Appropriate action(s) can be taken against thread starter.

      (1.10) In an event where more than watches are to be sold/traded as a set, seller is prohibited to post separate threads for individual watches for sale.

      (1.11) In event where a seller posted the wrong information, post a reply in the same thread with the updated relevant information

      (1.12) An item cannot be listed for sale within 30 days of the withdrawn date.
    2. No advertising of company brand, website, etc in forums (including signatures/profile/posts/etc) implicitly and/or explicitly. For Advertising inquiries, please contact administrator. Penalties may be imposed on members.
      (2.1) Any details (Links to other commercial sites such as yahoo, ebay, company websites/blogs/etc [implicit and/or explicit]) that relates to commercial entity (implicit/explicit) in any posts for your items (exclude forum advertisers) within the forum are prohibited.
      (2.2) Please do not post of items for sale including any details of sale (implicit or explicit) in your signature/avatar/profile/etc.
      (2.3) Posting information for sale of items (implicit/explicit) in posts/threads not within Garage Section is prohibited. Penalties will be imposed on members.
    3. Please do not post comments (good price/ up for you/etc) that is not related to the sale of item. Infraction points will be issued.
    4. All listings including iTrader ratings are subjected to move/edit/merge/delete by the moderators and/or administrators.
    5. Open bidding (implicit/explicit) for sale items is prohibited.
    6. Pawning services is prohibited
    7. Selling of non-original products/services including infringement of trademark/copyrighted/patented goods are prohibited.
      • Sale of fake(including replica) watches including parts and accessories are prohibited
    8. Selling/Renting of equipment or services is prohibited.
    9. Sale/Rental of personal/commercial properties, cars/motorcycles is prohibited.

    Note : all decisions made by moderators/administrators are final. the forum reserves the right not not explain any decisions
    Last edited by ohlins; 14-02-11, 12:32 AM.
    if you have issues with your account, click here for self help and read forum rules here. 90% of your answers can be found in Forum FAQ

    i DO NOT respond to any pm regarding account issues

    kindly email with
    1. subject heading indicating your issue
    2. your nick
    3. your corresponding email address
    4. state what you were trying to do and what the system prevented you to do

    if you receive no response in pm or email, it means your answers can be found in the Forum FAQ here

    your kind understanding is very much appreciated.

    disclaimer : all opinions expressed are personal

  • #2
    Advisory : Details for Posting items for sale


    WTB: For items to buy.
    WTS: For items to sell.
    WTT: For items to trade.
    WTG: For items to give.

    for sale of watches, the following information is strongly encourage

    Brand : Rolex/IWC/.....
    Model: DD/DJ/Explorer/......
    Condition: BNIB (brand New in box)/if it is worn 95% (light scuff marks which can be polished), 90% deep scratches which cannot be removed, 85% got scratches and dents
    Year of Purchase: if known
    Date of Last Service: if known
    Band Type: Leather/Bracelet
    Number of Links on watch(for bracelet):
    Additional Links: if there is
    Certification: Yes/No
    Box Available: Yes/No
    Price(Negotiable): Selling Price ( Yes/No)
    Addtional Information:

    Post pics of actual watch you want to sell whenever possible. This is to enable potential buyers gauge the condition of the watch. kindly refrain from using pictures that are extracted from watch brand website or picture of watches that is like BNIB where it is not.
    if you have issues with your account, click here for self help and read forum rules here. 90% of your answers can be found in Forum FAQ

    i DO NOT respond to any pm regarding account issues

    kindly email with
    1. subject heading indicating your issue
    2. your nick
    3. your corresponding email address
    4. state what you were trying to do and what the system prevented you to do

    if you receive no response in pm or email, it means your answers can be found in the Forum FAQ here

    your kind understanding is very much appreciated.

    disclaimer : all opinions expressed are personal


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