They limit the no. of visits each day and allocated timings. The queue you see is for tickets only. If you are lucky, you get to go up in the first batch (not sure total no. alloted for each time slot). If the first batch is filled, you'll also get the tickets, but for another (later) time slot. I collected the tickets @10am and was given the 6.30pm slot.
and i thought u get to go up simply by just joining the queue! Now i see why places like Taipei 101, Eiffel Tower, etc. are charging a fee for a view up there.
They limit the no. of visits each day and allocated timings. The queue you see is for tickets only. If you are lucky, you get to go up in the first batch (not sure total no. alloted for each time slot). If the first batch is filled, you'll also get the tickets, but for another (later) time slot. I collected the tickets @10am and was given the 6.30pm slot.
i also want to visit taipei 101. eiffel tower was a piece of s**t, city of love/romance my backside. berlin was a much better destination munich was the best!
[U]Currently wearing[/U]:
[SIZE="1"]TT Datejust with diamond dial - sold!
Blue 6694
Seiko SD-lookalike[/SIZE]
[U]"My collection"[/U]:
[SIZE="1"]Blue 6694; TT DJ w diamond dial.[/SIZE]