unless you are changing massive sums, you really don't save that much. time is money. ditch the queue and lose the dollar.
I gotten this info from my colleague and would like to share with everyone.if changing a massive sum, u may exchange it with bank. Bank rate is slightly higher than money changer.
For example above 50k.
Lucky plaza and arcade are the usual place. If you are driving, better to save on petrol and parking charges and change it at the most convenient place if the amount is not huge.
There is a money charger at Liang Court that has rather good rates. I changed a few times and rates are very good. Unless you at suntec city, they also have the famous money changer at level 1.
always check online for rates at arcarde money changers. Go to your money changer to check against the online rates as their rates are the best at arcade money changers. If it is only a small difference against your convenient money changer then dont bother heading down to arcade just to change. The one at suntec convention has pretty good rates too.