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Money Changer

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  • Money Changer

    Hi all

    Which money changer would you recommend, with reasonably good rates and is honest?

    I usually go to the one at Holland Village...

    Open to suggestions please! Thanks!

  • #2
    Big boss I will recommend raffles place the arcade buliding there is couple of money changer over there gd deal n is always queeing up tks


    • #3
      is a money charger who offer unfavorable rates deemed to be dishonest?

      generally, i go to a place with at least 3 to 4 money changers within walking distance of one another. this way i can compare the rates. i usually ask 2 shops before going to the third shop to do exchange. the difference is going to be likely under 10cents. unless one is going to change in big amount like more than 5000. then the difference will add up. if one is changing anything less than 1000, then the difference is not going to be significant.

      remember that different money changers have different base rates and different operating costs. hence their quotes will differ.

      Originally posted by theracecardriver View Post
      Hi all

      Which money changer would you recommend, with reasonably good rates and is honest?

      I usually go to the one at Holland Village...

      Open to suggestions please! Thanks!
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      • #4
        Er.... For me depends where I'm gg then decide where to change.

        Gg to North Asia = China town point level 2
        Gg to MY = City plaza level 1
        Gg Indonesia aka Batam harbour front level 1 some where some toy store not those by the side


        • #5
          No, sorry - to clarify: i would think a money changer is dishonest if he tries to give you less than what you are supposed to get, or if you change an unfamiliar currency, and end up receiving notes that have already been withdrawn from circulation...


          • #6
            if the difference comes up to less than SGD5, personally i won't bother going down to arcade to queue up unless you work in the area


            • #7
              For west side, normally I go to Lot1 or Jurongpoint


              • #8
                Originally posted by theracecardriver View Post
                Hi all

                Which money changer would you recommend, with reasonably good rates and is honest?

                I usually go to the one at Holland Village...

                Open to suggestions please! Thanks!
                Mustafa, 24 hours.

                Or Raffles at Arcade.


                • #9
                  I go to Chinatown and join any money changer with a long queue...!


                  • #10
                    Chinatown is not the best anymore. Try arcade(many money changer there) and the one at bugis (near the traffic light opposute bugis street).


                    • #11
                      raffles arcade is still good so far


                      • #12
                        Peninsula shopping centre has good rates.


                        • #13
                          Fountain at marina square and dollarex...


                          • #14
                            Raffles place is good


                            • #15
                              Northpoint B1, near KFC rate is good.


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