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Is owning a Rolex a status symbol?

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  • #91
    Look at what's happening in Japan. Life is transient - whatever you have can be taken from you in an instant. You think you'll be able to bring all your wealth with you when you die? Pray we will never experience any natural disaster like that in Japan


    • #92
      Is owning a Rolex a status symbol?

      Ahhh.. TGIF and another weekend approaching.

      Just feel like stirring up a hornet's nest and ruffle some feathers.

      Is Rolex a status symbol (or still a status symbol)?

      Some of us grew up knowing this is only for the rich, the gangster tai-kor and those who want to be somebody. Common face it, you find some truth in movies (especially Asian movies). There was a HK movie I watched that even the cops wear gold rolex to be treated seriously by the gangs. Of course we have butchers and ah-bengs as well donning gold or fake gold watches (wahh this is damned controversial remark I am sure...).

      So lets here from you, bros and sis, what do you think?


      • #93
        age old discussion.........
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        disclaimer : all opinions expressed are personal


        • #94
          Morning all!! For a start, Rolex have been easily recognized and also well sort after by ppl esp in asian countries. As what TS have mentioned, the brand have also being portrayed as a symbol of status even in the movies. I used to belived that I never hit the mark until I do own a Rolex. As I read more about watches, esp sgroc, I realised that there are more brand that are more prestige that Rollies such as PP and AP. Then again, maybe I am just a true breed Asian that still want face because its such a household name. Hence, somehow I still think having rollies is still a status symbol in asian countries.

          Just my 1 cent thought. My personal views.

          Cheers and have a great day!!


          • #95
            Rolex helps if faced with financial troubles...


            • #96
              "Status" ??? everybody also got ,,,,,,,.

              "Maybe" different model to fetch different status. (or taste)

              Definitely is a piece of fine art with combination of micro mechanical.


              • #97
                Is just like comparing Apple and Samsung.

                You had gone to another planet.

                Better stay put at sg-roc and enjoy what you have. Do not compare just be yourself.



                • #98
                  Is not the matter who win or who lose.

                  Is the matter of you know what you want and not affected by what other says.


                  • #99
                    haha...pawn shop


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