Wah u all jialat le everyday go THG sales arh..haha Pocket deep deep..
"夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" - 诸葛亮
One should seek serenity to cultivate the body, thriftiness to cultivate the morals. Seeking fame and wealth will not lead to noble ideal. Only by seeking serenity will one reach far. - Zhugeliang
Bro, you think DSLR FOC ah? i think i am going to chew bread for a long time. Hahaha.
Bro Alex
Heard u got something at e THG sales arh?? wat u got?? Every sale buy something arh haha. last sincere sale u got a Bvlgari right??
"夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" - 诸葛亮
One should seek serenity to cultivate the body, thriftiness to cultivate the morals. Seeking fame and wealth will not lead to noble ideal. Only by seeking serenity will one reach far. - Zhugeliang