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Funny - Watch trader here.....

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  • #31
    TS is experience here lah. Post kopi thread. More will read and others with justice heart will help him fish out the culprit. Buy and sell watch dun need econ theory. The only real theory is on supply and demand.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Iceheller View Post
      TS is experience here lah. Post kopi thread. More will read and others with justice heart will help him fish out the culprit. Buy and sell watch dun need econ theory. The only real theory is on supply and demand.
      So my learned friend here is telling me that TS posted this to fish out the culprit? But didn't TS know that the dude is flipping his watch at $799 in the first place already? Hmm, doesn't seems to tally...

      And everything that has got to do with the transaction of goods requires economic theory. That's how transactions can be explained logically. And FYI in economics there is more than one "real theory".

      Anyways, peace out.
      "Oh enjoying the thrill of the chase is fine. Craving the distraction of the game, I sympathize entirely. But sentiment, sentiment is a chemical defect found in the losing side."


      • #33
        Talk about willing seller and willing buyer, it remind me of the Sg Doc overcharge case. Foreign royalties willing to pay for cancer treatment but complaint to MOH in the end. This one willing seller and willing buyer case right? But why SMC come in and revoke the female doc license? SMC reason is she breach medical ethic. Every profession has a ethical committee, though we dun have one here, we should still regulate ourselves. If this buy lower and sell high using lying technique goes on, it will only dampen the effort put in by the good hearted users here.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Tricolore View Post
          So my learned friend here is telling me that TS posted this to fish out the culprit? But didn't TS know that the dude is flipping his watch at $799 in the first place already? Hmm, doesn't seems to tally...

          And everything that has got to do with the transaction of goods requires economic theory. That's how transactions can be explained logically. And FYI in economics there is more than one "real theory".

          Anyways, peace out.
          Aiyah my singlish no good lah dun poke fun of me even though u know what I meant is that other with good heart will help him list the culprit. Dun need peace out, I dun pick fight with kids.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Tricolore View Post
            So my learned friend here is telling me that TS posted this to fish out the culprit? But didn't TS know that the dude is flipping his watch at $799 in the first place already? Hmm, doesn't seems to tally...

            And everything that has got to do with the transaction of goods requires economic theory. That's how transactions can be explained logically. And FYI in economics there is more than one "real theory".

            Anyways, peace out.
            OT: no friend or bro here lah. Only pal and dude.


            • #36
              Don't think it's a scam/unethical. The buyer just has thicker skin than most of us, flipping a watch in the same forum he found it in, in such a short timeframe.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Tricolore View Post
                No offense, but if that's the case can I spin a tale and hope that I can buy the watch at $1? I'll be 100% sure that no one would sell it to me. Bottomline is, if the deal is transacted, it is because both buyer and seller are ok with the price. Just like TS. If the TS thinks he is being undercharged, I'm sure he would not have sold the watch. But he realises the value of his watch is seemingly higher (in economics terms we call it imperfect knowledge) but he doesn't seems to be sour about it.... (or that is what I can infer, but my inferential skills may be bad since I am not an 'A' grade literature student...)

                But I am glad this topic is brought up and all of us have different views towards issues like this. And this is why it makes Kopi Talk unique
                BTW, tricolore. I like yr kid dancing video! Remind me of evian mineral water commercial. Cheers.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by nimm12
                  why is buying something and reselling it in a short time frame within a same marketplace at a higher price = thicker skin?

                  all preown shops buy low and sell high, within singapore, at a short time frame
                  are all preown shops thicker skin?
                  Because while most of us would like to buy low/sell high, not many of us would make it so obvious. One might buy low in Forum A and try to flip it in Forum B.

                  Or try to sell it under a different username.

                  Or wait a few months down the road to sell it in the same forum.



                  • #39
                    Originally posted by nimm12
                    do you mean buy low in one forum and sell high in another forum, or buy low now sell high in a few months in the same marketplace = not so 'thick-skin'?
                    Yes, as chances of your cheapskateness being uncovered by the seller would be lower. If you thick skin, don't care, buay paiseh, can't be stuffed, then you'll blatantly put it up for sale at a higher price like this guy did.

                    Originally posted by nimm12
                    preown shops does all that in one location at the shortest time - how does that make them? thickest skin?
                    No, as mentioned before, preowned shops are out to make a profit so you would expect them to sell your item at a higher price.

                    Originally posted by nimm12
                    you got to explain your point about being 'thick skin' - does buying low in one forum and selling it high in another forum not constitute to being 'thick skin'? does it mean selling under a different username = not so 'thick skin' or the skin thickness is being masked?

                    or selling it few months down the road = skin thinner?
                    If you still don't get it, then ok ok you win la you correct.


                    • #40
                      Nim, seriously? U r replying for the sake of replying.

                      Lets put it this way, pre own shops dont cry to seller that he is poor or got robbed the night before thus now want u to sell him at a lower price

                      Jubilee, no need to explain liao. Trust me, most us viewers out there totally understand wat u r trying to say cus we think a-like. Let those who dont understand forever remain that way...


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by nimm12
                        seriously, dont you know preown shops are the biggest low-ballers around?
                        for eg a used pam 321, can sell $8k here easily, if some buyer offer you $7k, you will cry kena 'lowball'
                        and if the seller accept $7k and found out the new owner resell it at $8k, you will cry 'thick skin' and 'cheapskate' (using terms given by Jubilee)
                        do you know preown shop offer $6k for the same watch and resell at $9k? arent they even thicker skin and more cheapskate?
                        No, unless the tell u sob story to make u sell 6k. If they upfront tell u 6k cos they need to resell n make a profit n pay overheads..... I dun see a problem.
                        I'm in bad company........


                        • #42
                          T28, wat u just said there is completely in sync with me n jubilee, pre-own shops buy to sell n dun cry father cry mother with stories ask u sell lower. Nobody said that person cannot buy low n sell high. It's the ethical issue that we are refering to here. Well there r always ppl like this everywhere lah...


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by nimm12
                            huh? u mean u dont see a problem with selling to a preown shop at $6k who resell it at $9k, when you can sell the same watch to a low-baller in sgroc with sad stories for $7k who resell it at $8k the next day
                            and all that because a preown shop 'need to pay overhead and need to make profit'???
                            the preown shops must be loving you deepdeep
                            Yes, I wld rather sell or trade in to a pre-own shop (that I am comfortable with) than to take the trouble of entertaining time wasters, aeroplane flyers, sob story low ballers who ask dealer prices.

                            While I wld be happier to be able to find a buyer who would cherish my watch and take care of it..... I dun mind sell for less. But if I got talked down by a sob story guy who flip it the next day, then I rather let a shop earn. I wld feel better that way. It's about integrity here. And yes, i rather let shop earn than let someone play with my sympathy.

                            Another reason I wld sell to a shop is that I get cash immediately. Dun have to wait for buyer to enquire, arrange for viewing, fly aeroplane, go bank, go verification at RSC..... I dun have that kind of time to waste.

                            I'm glad eastsider got my point. May be because we all live on the east side??? Hahahhahaa !
                            I'm in bad company........


                            • #44
                              My view is that,

                              For seller; Know what you are selling,market price & be firm when doing your price/sales strategy)and you have full control or call the shots over buyer whether to give in or call off the deal if price does not match your asking price.

                              I think if i am selling my rolex watch and buyer tells me poor stories in order to "press" my price down,i will reply him/her that he/she should not be buying a rolex since he/she is poor OR get a normal watch below $10 as long as can tell time can already.


                              • #45
                                Since I started this maybe I should try to close it .

                                In a public forum, the make up of people is so different and it is not my purpose to convince everybody to see or feel my point. I just want to make a sensible point and if you get it you get it and if you don't you don't. We don't have to jump into every remarks made and try to make a point out of it. Just respect that person point, make a mental note of it and move on.

                                So for like minded people who feel strongly that it is not correct to pray on the goodness of a person heart by someone giving some sob sob stories or stealing someone design. Let us continue to have this compassion in our heart that we will not turn away anybody that need help because of any bad experience but always give the benefit of doubt to the other party until it proven otherwise. So for like minded people let us continue to make this forum a better place by exposing them so that new comer like "ssyu" will not say this "Does this always happen here".

                                As for those who don't get it, it is ok. Life still goes on .

                                Let us move on.


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