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Is Customer always right?

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  • Is Customer always right?

    Hi there fellow SG-ROC bros and sisters, we are from all walks of life but i am sure no matter what business we are dealing in, some customer service is require to be serve out to clinch the deal.

    However, do you believe the myth of the customer is always right?

    I had one really unpleasant experience today and you can be the judge .

    The story goes like this.

    Customer A , a customer of my colleague ,John, have alway been a difficult and demanding customer, where the discount given for A is usually near the cost of our product and the after service for the product provided for A, is of course more than satisfactory as A is a regular customer for John for years.

    One day, John decided to leave the company, his customer data base are handle down to us and we try to handle John's customers as and when they drop by the store ,be it purchasing a new product or for a after-service .

    John, in general is a Yes man to his customers. He always give in to customer needs so much so that he sometimes put himself in the firing line when questioned by his superiors.

    Last week, John's regular customer A, came back with a slight defunct product ( let's say a watch) and says he wants to have it service .

    Since he purchased the watch from our company, of course we will take care of our customer and attend to their needs !

    So i wrote him a service slip, told him to that I will quote him a repair charge in a week time as my technician is out of country for the week .

    Forward to this morning, my technician called me, quoted me a repair charges of $450sgd for a full service of his watch plus a year warranty after servicing .

    Later in the afternoon, I called A, quoted him the repair charges amount and ask whether he wants to proceed with the repair, if not i will ask the technician to send back the watch and return to him at no charges , just bring back the service slip , sign and I will return the watch to him.

    A, says " of course don't service la, so expensive, I have a place that service it cheaper, ( pause ) "

    Me : ok, so Mr A, i will ask the technician to bring back the watch and give you a call ASAP when it reach our store so you can collect it .

    A: So you mean you outsource your repair to 3rd party repairer?

    Me : technically speaking , he is our appointed in house technician with full license and watch repair qualifications.

    A: How come so expensive? Last time also not so expensive when I first send in for service

    Me: Ok, Mr A, when was the last time you service your watch ? If its within the warranty period, please bring down the slip and everything will be cover at no charges

    A : it's your duty to keep track and not my duty to keep the repair slip , your company technician should have messup the last time I send in to repair this inflicting more damage this time round. Blablabla

    Me:Alright Mr A, I can't help you if you don't tell me when you service your watch, in regard if you are our regular customer , we also need to paper proof that you just service your watch and thus, even if its over a year, maybe I can help you lower down your repair fee abit,just tell me how can I help you?

    A: your technician must have not done a good job ,I am very disappointed with your company and your service and your reply .John always let me service the watch cheaper, blablabla (raising tone)
    You are xxx.

    At this point, tell me, anyone out there with any sense of pride ,will they stand such abuse from such an unreasonable customer? I am usually a nice guy but don't push me too far. And then I snapped lol

    Me: Well,Mr A, what your dealings with John are over, he had left the company and its history but if you intend to carry on business relationship between us, I suggest that you tone down your aggression or else I am afraid I have to cut you out from any more business dealings with my company.

    Customer is not always right, as we are more inclined to the belief that happy employee equal better customer service , so we don't allow, or will tolerate any abuse from customer such as you . You get back your watch once its back and consider the end of our business relationship . Thanks .

    A: it's not right for you to treat a customer like that!

    Me: Now I speak in a informal way since you dont understand the official reply Mr A. Listen,What I see in this scenario is that you are thinking I am afraid of losing my job thus you are trying to take advantage of me which I will never allow myself to be put in this situation,if you are not happy with me, after you collect your watch , we can always go one on one. If that is the only way to ease your rage or your obsession with making life difficult for sales people, trying make a living only why make people life hard? You are a walking time bomb just waiting for people to give you a whacking of your life . There are people with bigger fists out there .

    He hanged up the phone .

    I called my technician to check if he did service the watch before, the technician checked and called me later in the evening and said the watch was repair 3 years ago...

    COME ON man.. A brand new watch only gives you two years, max three years warranty .. This Mr A ,after 3 years, come and complain about the technician's fault when sent in for repair almost 3 years ago? The watch has been running fine for 2 years plus and now he claimed its our technician fault and this lead to the higher repair cost?

    Come on .. Wear and tear , what you done to your watch in this 2-3 years, what do we know? Now you are trying to pull a quick one on me by playing the " annoyed customer" or " customer is always right card"? So you can have some free service or freebies or maybe total FOC service?
    What a cheap man you are mr A!

    You can kiss my kneecap !

    Tell me, fellow forumers, why are there such people out there who wants to make life difficult for sales people . If you don't like the price go other place, don't make it as if the person own you anything ! If we can match the price or better we surely would have done that! Use your brain before you want to fight for something Peace out.

    Tell me your opinions on this or share any bad customer experiences !

  • #2
    Chill bro, I met my fair share of crap customers too. Guessed he crossed the line. Not worth it though. Next time just dircte to your one up, or boss, let them handle it. lol He will have his just desserts one day. Don't let it spoil your weekend. Cheers!


    • #3
      Well sad to say that's the typical behavior of Singaporean now, they always think that they will win by raising their voice


      • #4
        May I offer my opinion?

        Whether you are afraid if your job is in the line or not, try to differentiate between profession and personal. We all encounter unpleasant episodes in both our professional as well as personal life. When we have an unpleasant issue in the office, we thrashed it out amongst ourselves and after that we tell each other - "nothing personal, its part of the job". Then we get together for a drink as soon as it allows.

        If I were in your shoes, I would play for time and then check up what's up with 'A' service details as you later did. If you then present the facts that it was serviced 3 years ago, he/she should have no grounds for argument. Standing your ground after this is true professionalism. I would do the same in the interest of the company. I am sure your supervisors would support you but if I get a dressing down instead, then this is not the place for me to work. This is my principle and not because I am wiser than you. Please don't take it that I am instigating anything. This is just my personal opinion. Paiseh.

        On the other hand, such customers could be turned around after you have pointed our their errors and offer a helping hand - but a firm hand nonetheless (not bowing to them is what I mean). The next time they come around they will have a different attitude towards you. Its not easy, I gritted my teeth a number of times and such customers seldom bother me again although they remain our customers.

        In my opinion you did the right thing until you burst out.

        @dictan - Please don't paint all Singaporeans with the same brush. I not like that leh
        Last edited by bluescorpion; 04-05-13, 10:57 AM.
        I will own a Rolex ................ someday!


        • #5
          when handling such customers. there is no need to raise voice.

          just respond in a firm and polite manner saying that if you continue to use abusive tone, i will have to cut short the conversation.

          if customer continues, just say thank you. please call me back when you have cool down.

          do note that you must have your immediate supervisor support if the need is required.
          if you have issues with your account, click here for self help and read forum rules here. 90% of your answers can be found in Forum FAQ

          i DO NOT respond to any pm regarding account issues

          kindly email with
          1. subject heading indicating your issue
          2. your nick
          3. your corresponding email address
          4. state what you were trying to do and what the system prevented you to do

          if you receive no response in pm or email, it means your answers can be found in the Forum FAQ here

          your kind understanding is very much appreciated.

          disclaimer : all opinions expressed are personal


          • #6
            Is Customer always right: stop right here : in year 2005 most of the big company, like service industry, hospitality industry, hospital event petrol station, no more longer used that statements: this is the new statements for many service industry:

            Customer Is very Important So Do The Staff

            but you always must be very careful: just give your very good quotations the rest is up to him: please do not ever naver say this to your Customer you can go other place lah: and don't say something stupid: in the end of the day you end up wrong: do not make it sound like rude staff: must have a special technique to handle this kind of Customer:


            • #7
              Thanks fellow bros and sistas for the feedback haha

              Well,regarding this customer , after thorough check with fellow friends in the sales line, he is quite reputable to try to stir up problems trying to reap some freebies.

              He did that to one of my friend in another shop , making his life difficult ( my friend is the shop manager ) and wanting my friend to pour him tea and apologise to him just because of a small issue like, not sending him invitation to a event which he thinks he is entitled to, ( the event which later i found out was to be an exclusive event for "carat" class customers , which he fell short in the category)

              He humiliated my friend infront of his own colleagues and subordinates , not only want an apology but also a free omega strap as a way to comforting his upset .

              After hearing that from my friend, my blood boil even more!

              Anyway, he will come and collect his watch soon, but I am sure some type of people they only bullied the weak but when face with someone else stronger or more fierce than them, they backdown or goes into hiding .

              I will deal with him in a professional way as I have my own image to take care but if he try to be rude again, I am not sure if I can allow such a sick person that goes around bullying sales people for fun go scot free. Will send him in for "rehab" this time round on the house hahaha.

              You know a Chinese saying,
              Go up the mountain often and one day you will bump into a tiger .. Hehehehe


              • #8
                Originally posted by bluescorpion View Post

                If I were in your shoes, I would play for time and then check up what's up with 'A' service details as you later did. If you then present the facts that it was serviced 3 years ago, he/she should have no grounds for argument. Standing your ground after this is true professionalism.
                Bro Scorpion, here is the missing part of the story, let me continue.. Haha

                After he hanged up and after checking the details of his service record ,I did called him back after i calmed down but his aggression still stands and he was yelling and yelling and wants us to forfeit the repair charges or the most he just willing to pay $100.

                I told him, Mr A,your last service record for the watch were 3 years back, I am afraid I can't help you at all regarding the service charges,the most I can offer you are better discount on next purchase you patronage us.

                He keep raising his tone and say $100 or don't do, how can you treat regular customer like that!

                I told him, Mr A, if this brand is under my company house brand, and seeing you are our regular customer with John, of course we can try to charge you a minimum service fee for that but also not at $100, we are running a business here, profits and loss count towards the year end report ..

                Before I can continue, he yell again, "I don't care , 100 dollars or I will never do business with you again , your company is a scam , Fraud!! I will tell everyone not to come your company!"

                Ermm.. My company a scam? Hello?
                Did I hear someone calling my company a scam when we serving more than ten thousands clients in our data base? For this , I cannot allow someone to hurl insults to my company which is not true!

                I told him...
                "Mr A, as what we present the evidence and the service record ,we must charge you the recommended charges and after this event, we are sorry that we can no longer maintain our business relationship as you hurl insults at our staffs and call our company a scam or fraud which is totally unacceptable.

                We are please to have your businesses all these years but this episode draws the end for our relationship, thank you very much.
                We will give you a call once your watch is back from the service centre and Do collect your watch with your repair receipt but any aggression towards our staff and me will not be tolerated on that day ,do take note."

                Mr A says " so you threatening me Issit ?! I call police report you and your company !"

                I was thinking to myself
                "Kantang(K) you (N) take (N),
                Like this cannot like that cannot,
                Ok keep cool!"

                I said, " Not a threat but an advise for you. Thank you very much and see you."

                Before he can hurl some more abuses I hangup the phone.

                The watch will be sent back today
                But I guess no harm making him wait for like... A few months muhahaha .


                • #9
                  If customer is always right, then they will be asking everything FREE. So this 'customer is always right' concept is not valid in several occasions. Just do your job professionally and that is it.


                  • #10
                    To handle customer's complain is an art,you will have to learn to deal with them,the basic rule apply like your job or quit,as long as you are doing
                    it is better to keep cool and understand their position,its actually quite simple,you bought a very very expensive car,and then the next day it cannot start !
                    sure kpkb , always remember,it is not what you say,it is how you say it !

                    use statements like " I can understand how you feel dun be upset let me buy you coffee ..." ,"let see what we can do",always speaks from the same side as the customers over the phone,
                    next the commnication within your company is also very important,in your case between the watch tech and youself,what is spoiled? changing of spare parts required ? detail of servicing steps etc ....

                    Without them we have no jobs is through servicing that we closed the whole sale cycle & customers become clients
                    We have to earn it ,closing a sale is just the beginning .........

                    Finally understand this statement "Win the battle but lost the War !" "Dun let his mood affects your mood but let yourself make a difference in his buying experience!"

                    I have been doing it for 16 years .........and counting......these are training are going to be a after sales manager then director in future right ?


                    • #11
                      If we act ,our boss no need to react !


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Rolex116613
                        I believe in 2 rules.
                        1. customers are always right.
                        2. I choose my customers, if you ain't my customer, than I am right.
                        Ha... interesting annotation to his complaint... if only we can all choose our customers! ;-)
                        Last edited by shou.biao.kuang; 07-05-13, 08:23 PM. Reason: spelling error


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