Party over 15mins ago. Great gathering. Got chance to see and try many nice watches. Looking forward to the next one.
Hiroki san, zen zen domo arigato. Rare to have a member from your race in Sg-Roc. Great effort in organizing this meetup. I enjoyed very much. Hope you'll find your dream watch soon. ;-)
Thanks Hiroki for organising such a wonderful gathering, and thanks for all those who came. Had a great pigging out for both my stomach and eyes, thanks to the food and the great watches respectively. And thanks for the strap! Weeeeee!
P.S. Pegasi I think I know where I saw you before. You are from SGMerc right?
"Oh enjoying the thrill of the chase is fine. Craving the distraction of the game, I sympathize entirely. But sentiment, sentiment is a chemical defect found in the losing side."
Great 2 noe u all had a fun time wif fellow SG-ROC forumers. Pity i can't join in due 2 prior commitment, but i'll wait/look fwd 2 the next gathering 4 sure!hmm...where r the table/wrist shots hiroki san?
Rolex owner since 2010
Previously owned:
Explorer II(216570) black dial AN serial
GMT-Master II(116710LN) AN serial
Current collection:
Datejust 36(116234) V serial
GMT-Master II(116713LN) AN serial
"Hulk" green sub(116610LV)
I enjoyed the meet-the-people session. No one complained about car prices or rising cost of living. Everyone rushed to pay for the beer and food. People only ask me whether should buy this or that watch or not. For those I didn't have much time for, please come again next session.
I missed our dear Darkie, but was glad to see our admin and two mods showing up.
No supply problem for drink or ice this time but the store we ordered our beer from ran out of glass. The food were great for the occasion. The french fries we ordered never come and I had to go back to my wife after having too many oyster.
I had the chance to try on many expensive watches and confirmed that my decision not to buy them is correct.
Thanks ten10 for sponsoring so many nice straps for the lucky draw. I wanted one so badly I kelong and picked my own name. I promise not to sell it this week.
Thanks Hiroki-san for the great effort in organizing this live gtg. You are a great guy (when you are not drunk) but your phone camera sucks. Nevertheless I will recommend you to the RC so you can involve in organizing more function for our MIG party.
Party is over but our friendship and kopi-talk goes on here. See you next time.
Watches are like potato chips - You never stop at one
Thanks Mr Hiroki and ten10 for having organized this wonderful gathering. This' one of the more enjoyable gatherings I have attended. It's nice to get to know more new members