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How to avoid watch cheat?

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  • #16
    Verification is a must if you are not sure.

    1) Avoid sites or folks who ask you to place deposits prior to meet up. This is a tell tale sign
    2) Not saying all but try to avoid self verification as there will be things that the RSC or watch makers can test besides
    jsut looking at the movement. ( ie if the watch is running slow /magnetised) such things cannot be spoted by naked ey.
    3) If doing self verification try to see and look out for for subtle color differnces between the parts these may be tell tale signs of part changed...

    The above are just bits or small advise may not be 100% effective as verification is really base on your knowledge and experience.
    "He could not just wear a watch. It had to be a Rolex." �Ian Fleming, Casino Royale (1953)


    • #17
      I,m a newbie here. Thanks for all yr contributions. It does help a lot!


      • #18
        Hope you buy your first timepiece soon. It gets addictive after that.
        Bought 8 pieces in last 3 months.


        • #19
          does exchange and copy down IC details help?


          • #20
            Usually prefer to meet face to face too but I have also bought online. The risk will always be there so do what you can to mitigate these risks. For me, I will only buy preowned if the watch comes with box and all papers.

            Caveat emptor!


            • #21
              thanks fro all advice


              • #22
                rsc verify is $107 right?


                • #23
                  Seller wants to receive money via Western Union or Money Gram = Red Alert
                  在幻变的生命里, 岁月, 原来是最大的小偷...


                  • #24
                    Be alert and well info about watches.


                    • #25
                      Best dun buy online in new or used...unless you jus wanna play with it...

                      your "Cheat" meaning rather wide leh...

                      Never send money 1st...of cos unless you know the person dealing la...

                      To me, just simple...

                      Buy fr shops/retail... don't need to incur extra headache...


                      • #26
                        I think for most other stuff, buying oneline is ok but with watches in teh tousands and tens of thousands, would you want to risk that online? I think like most folks already say if the seller is not willing to deal at a watch techinician of my choice for verification I will not deal at all....
                        "He could not just wear a watch. It had to be a Rolex." �Ian Fleming, Casino Royale (1953)


                        • #27
                          buy the seller


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by superstiff View Post
                            does exchange and copy down IC details help?
                            not really help. cos still depend on the seller responsibility & attitude


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by superstiff View Post
                              does exchange and copy down IC details help?
                              I don't think so! It might deter any potential crooks though. But if he is bent on cheating, i/c could be fake, it's still ultimately your word against his.

                              Unless video record the whole transaction. But its quite =.="


                              • #30
                                u need to know your stuff before meeting the guy.... do more research.. SGROC


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