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Why so strict?

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  • Why so strict?

    sorry but wht is happening please?

    Dear benhur,

    You have received an infraction at Singapore Rolex Owners Club (SG-ROC).

    Reason: Signature Rule Violation

    we have previously pm you not to raise off-topic and general remarks in WTS.......

    and now you have posted another unnecessary remark in another member's WTS.....

    i.e. at

    This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

    All the best,
    Singapore Rolex Owners Club (SG-ROC)
    the hype is true. listen at your own risk.
    visit my watch and audio blog:
    Last edited by benhur; 26-12-08, 11:26 AM. Reason: change font

  • #2
    Why so strict?

    am i going to b barred 4ever?? help please

    Dear benhur,

    You have received an infraction at Singapore Rolex Owners Club (SG-ROC).

    Reason: Signature Rule Violation

    we have previously pm you not to raise off-topic and general remarks in WTS.......

    and now you have posted another unnecessary remark in another member's WTS.....

    i.e. at

    This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

    All the best,
    Singapore Rolex Owners Club (SG-ROC)
    the hype is true. listen at your own risk.
    visit my watch and audio blog:


    • #3
      You wont...please don't do it again can liaos

      Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)


      • #4
        I have removed your other duplicate post in the other section

        Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)


        • #5
          Bro BH... there are rules for all forums lah... so we need to respect... moreover it's for the good of the forum.. SGROC.. or should i say SHC

          me also did the same thing when I first came in.. ops... but realized what I did not correct, when I read the rules clearly... what the mods say about raising unncessary remarks in other's Want to Sales/Trades/Buy post are reasonable lah... creates alot of unncessary post within.. imagine we are the seller.. or potential buyer.. go through 2-3 pages of posts, just to get to the content of what we want...

          See.. our dear Darkie already respond liao.. so fast... must have a compliment system to send him one...

          Cheers everyone... enjoying every minute of this wonderful forum...


          • #6
            yes yes... if you want to use this forum, you have to follow the rules here... strict or not is judge upon individuals... there are some other forums where you post anything you want, from porn to anti-government... etc... I will not visit those forums... so to keep this place cool, it is good to follow its rules... cheers!


            • #7
              Yup ... agree that certain rules are necessary for the continued growth of SG-ROC / SHC. Let's work together to maintain this as a cool place to hang out at for all of us. Cheers
              运筹帷幄 决胜千里


              • #8
                was tat a remark or me trying to bargain for price? i m shocked! or do i need to go hong lim park speaker corners to make comments in tis forum? i respect hosts' rules but did i go the extreme? oh well nevermind. i censor myself from now on


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