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A typical singaporean

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  • A typical singaporean

    hi all,

    i have recently encountered this case and wish to post this up for your views.
    this is not the 1st time i've encountered a complaint from a singaporean but this is really very typical. i'm working in a international trade industry whereby there is ranking system with minimum wage scale implemented. he's getting around USD3k which is supposed to be a fresh poly grad salary. he is 42 years old with 3 kids.

    not long ago, an uncle seek assistance in his wages. therefore, he required to meet up with me. To keep this short, i will try to highlight the main conversation only.

    uncle: i'm here to find out what benefits/advantages can a singaporean get?
    me: what type of benefits/advantage you looking at.
    uncle: why singaporeans are getting the same pay as foreigners?
    me: are you all doing the same job scope/leave/others.....
    uncle: yes..
    me: then since its all same.. shouldnt there be a same pay to prevent discrimination?
    uncle: but i am singaporean what.. should be higher.

    me: but you are working in a international industry,not singapore's company. besides, the rank that you are holding now is supposed to be poly's fresh grad rank. why don't you upgrade yourself to go for higher rank?
    uncle: why should i go whereby they paying the same as others? besides, i'm a singaporean with better education ok!

    at this point, i cannot tahan already.
    me: for this particular rank, singaporean can get it once they graduated from poly but for foreigners, they need to completed the related university. so what makes you think you got better education?

    uncle: but you all should help singaporean what.
    me: can... how much you looking at.. 1-2k more? this will only make you less competitive and not attractive. should a singaporean junior officer earn more than a foreign senior officer?
    uncle: then why are garmens promoting this career to singaporean?
    me: (super angry) you don't want this pay.. there are still alot of poly grads waiting for it.

    uncle: then why are we paying in usd and not sgd?
    me: you know this when you enter into the industry and when usd is 1.7-1.8, why you never come to complain?

    as this point, i ended the conversation by requesting his particulars to discuss with his company but he refused and left.

    i noticed alot of singaporeans always rely on others while hiding behind to stand up for their thoughts. when i request them to put it black and white, all siam.

    do you encounter this before?
    sorry for the long post.

  • #2
    If you are a japanese or aH mo then you will feel that now you are actually lucky. Alot more other race of human think they are special then the other.......


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