Had to rotate my tyres at home recently and was too lazy to bring out air compressor and impact wrench to undo the car nuts. So used the original factory toolkit to undo the nuts.
I will let the images speak for themselves. Both tyre levers are original toyota, the one on the left is crooked like yew chia kway after undoing the 4 tyres nuts. I got to admit, I used a breaker bar to give some leverage. The one on the right was from my toolbox, it was a original toyota tyre lever that i salvage from another car. Currently replaced my car's toolkit with one from nissan, and the quality is much better.

If your tyres are changed at the tyre shop, I recommend that you have a breaker bar in the boot. I use a hollow steel pipe, give me plenty of leverage. When I fastened back the nuts, using the breaker bar allowed me to exceed factory recommended torque; but when fastening, I recommend, you use a proper torque wrench so as not to over tighten your bolts. Also, when using breaker bar, make sure you inspect your tool for damage.
I will let the images speak for themselves. Both tyre levers are original toyota, the one on the left is crooked like yew chia kway after undoing the 4 tyres nuts. I got to admit, I used a breaker bar to give some leverage. The one on the right was from my toolbox, it was a original toyota tyre lever that i salvage from another car. Currently replaced my car's toolkit with one from nissan, and the quality is much better.

If your tyres are changed at the tyre shop, I recommend that you have a breaker bar in the boot. I use a hollow steel pipe, give me plenty of leverage. When I fastened back the nuts, using the breaker bar allowed me to exceed factory recommended torque; but when fastening, I recommend, you use a proper torque wrench so as not to over tighten your bolts. Also, when using breaker bar, make sure you inspect your tool for damage.