what does AMK stand for? -- singapore is small enough to get outside CBD, I don't know any dealers well enough as I am a 'tourist' in their eyes. But willing to go outside CBD to sight-see as well as maybe get a better deal :-)
Don't worry you can go to www.mscolor.com.sg or www.cathayphoto.com.sg. Just email them the model and ask for quote. The price they gave in the email will always be lower then walk in customers .
the bottom line is different people will get different service from different shops. most important is go to various shops and compare what additional items they can give you. more importantly is the size of memory card. prices are about the same for most of the recommended shops.
i wont go to pegasi's recommendation though it is recommended by 2 of my kakis. bad experience with them.
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Agreed with you! Although LP is famous for chopping carrot, I got better deal from them because I know those ah beng sales there... just check around 1st. When I buy camera, I check a few shops, eg those "good" shops bros mentioned here, but I don't check the whole world. Most of the time, I walk in and tell the sales straight in the face that I am BUYING (not see see look look) this camera and ask for BEST price. Listen to his price, if your regular shop has given you a price, quote that price to him and see if he can do better. Most of the time, as a walk-in, they can't match the price given by my friend, so I will go back to the LP shop and buy loh.
Those who kena chop are those who never check. Rememebr! Stick to what you are looking for, this sales can sweet talk. If you buy another brand/model at a higher price, don't blame them, they are trained to do so...don't forget, they are sales not priest. Many ppl make noise in the media that got cheated lah, this and that. I find that really stupid, this is the real world, sometimes you need to pay "school fees" to be smart in this "real world"... some bros here might disagree with me, saying that by complaining or posting in media can "warn" others about this bad sheeps... I don't think so... normally those who got cheated are those who want to find the "Best deal in town" people... that's why there are still people who go Sim Lim for cameras, Queenstowns for shoes... I buy from these places and I have no problem. Just do your homework, if you don't, you go anywhere also kena "cheated", if you consider that as cheating...
the bottom line is different people will get different service from different shops. most important is go to various shops and compare what additional items they can give you.
if DSLR, Mscolour or John 3:16 (slightly more ex but good/ friendly service), PnS can try the electronic shop along the Chinatown Heritage Centre, I've bought a samsung mid-tier PnS for OC there previously, at almost $100 cheaper than all others. I think they claimed to be distributors for certain brands.
Ultimately, still have to do some legwork to check out..
Leica M9 good. different league liao. can always email them for a quote.
What you mean different league. Looks small and easy to use. The design quite retro and nice leather. Saw it when in HK but never ask. Locally, walk around place like challenger and Best Denki never see.
I found those Nikon and Canon too huge so friend recommend Leica. I not really into cams cos for years use my SE cybershot phone and a Nikon idoit proof type.
What you mean different league. Looks small and easy to use. The design quite retro and nice leather. Saw it when in HK but never ask. Locally, walk around place like challenger and Best Denki never see.
I found those Nikon and Canon too huge so friend recommend Leica. I not really into cams cos for years use my SE cybershot phone and a Nikon idoit proof type.
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I think what triton means is the quality of leica is different from the others camera brands. What I know is leica built good lens. Me I always wanted to own one .
yes. the quality of leica is totally different. if you have an opportunity to try, please do. pictures taken are so much different from that of other brands using same settings.
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